4. Systematic code examples: a guided tour of Transcrypt ******************************************************** One ready-to-run code example is worth more than ten lengthy descriptions. The *autotest and demo suite*, that is part of the distribution, is a collection of sourcecode fragments called *testlets*. These testlets are used for automated regression testing of Transcrypt against CPython. Since they systematically cover all language constructs, they are also very effective as a learning tool. The testlets are arranged alphabetically by subject. Autotest: Transcrypt autotest demo suite from org.transcrypt.stubs.browser import __pragma__ import org.transcrypt.autotester import arguments import attribs_by_name import builtin_super import byte_arrays import callable_test import classes import complex_numbers import conditional_expressions import control_structures import dashed_numbers import data_classes import data_structures import decorators import dict_comprehensions import dictionaries import div_issues import div_pulls import docstrings import exceptions import executable_comments import extended_slices import fstrings import general_functions import globals_function import indices_and_slices import iterators_and_generators import lambda_functions import list_comprehensions import local_classes import metaclasses import method_and_class_decorators import module_builtin import module_cmath if __pragma__ ('defined', 'undefined'): import module_collections import module_datetime import module_itertools import module_math import module_unicodedata import modules import nonlocals import operator_overloading import properties import proxies import reprtest import set_comprehensions import simple_and_augmented_assignment if __pragma__ ('defined', '__sform__'): import string_format import truthyness import tuple_assignment autoTester = org.transcrypt.autotester.AutoTester () autoTester.run (arguments, 'arguments') autoTester.run (attribs_by_name, 'attribs_by_name') autoTester.run (builtin_super, 'builtin_super') autoTester.run (byte_arrays, 'byte_arrays') autoTester.run (callable_test, 'callable') autoTester.run (classes, 'classes') autoTester.run (complex_numbers, 'complex_numbers') autoTester.run (conditional_expressions, 'conditional_expressions') autoTester.run (control_structures, 'control_structures') autoTester.run (dashed_numbers, 'dashed_numbers') autoTester.run (data_classes, 'data_classes') autoTester.run (data_structures, 'data_structures') autoTester.run (decorators, 'decorators') autoTester.run (dict_comprehensions, 'dict_comprehensions') autoTester.run (dictionaries, 'dictionaries') autoTester.run (div_issues, 'div_issues') autoTester.run (div_pulls, 'div_pulls') autoTester.run (docstrings, 'docstrings') autoTester.run (exceptions, 'exceptions') autoTester.run (executable_comments, 'executable_comments') autoTester.run (extended_slices, 'extended_slices') autoTester.run (fstrings, 'fstrings') autoTester.run (general_functions, 'general_functions') autoTester.run (globals_function, 'globals_function') autoTester.run (indices_and_slices, 'indices_and_slices') autoTester.run (iterators_and_generators, 'iterators_and_generators') autoTester.run (lambda_functions, 'lambda_functions') autoTester.run (list_comprehensions, 'list_comprehensions') autoTester.run (local_classes, 'local_classes') autoTester.run (metaclasses, 'metaclasses') autoTester.run (method_and_class_decorators, 'method_and_class_decorators') autoTester.run (module_builtin, 'module_builtin') autoTester.run (module_cmath, 'module_cmath') if __pragma__ ('defined', 'undefined'): autoTester.run (module_collections, 'module_collections') autoTester.run (module_datetime, 'module_datetime') autoTester.run (module_itertools, 'module_itertools') autoTester.run (module_math, 'module_math') autoTester.run (module_unicodedata, 'module_unicodedata') autoTester.run (modules, 'modules') autoTester.run (nonlocals, 'nonlocals') autoTester.run (operator_overloading, 'operator_overloading') autoTester.run (properties, 'properties') autoTester.run (reprtest, 'repr_str') autoTester.run (proxies, 'proxies') autoTester.run (set_comprehensions, 'set_comprehensions') autoTester.run (simple_and_augmented_assignment, 'simple_and_augmented_assignment') if __pragma__ ('defined', '__sform__'): autoTester.run (string_format, 'string_format') autoTester.run (truthyness, 'truthyness') autoTester.run (tuple_assignment, 'tuple_assignment') autoTester.done () 4.1. Arguments: **kwargs, *args, defaults, at call and def time, also for lambda's ================================================================================== Testlet: arguments from org.transcrypt.stubs.browser import __pragma__ __pragma__ ('kwargs') class A: def __init__ (self, x = 123, y = 456, *args, m, n = 456, **kwargs): self.x = x self.y = y self.args = args self.m = m self.n = n self.kwargs = kwargs self.extra = 'hello' def f (self, autoTester): autoTester.check (self.x, self.y, self.args, self.m, self.n, self.kwargs, self.extra) class B (A): def __init__ (self, x, y = -1, *args, m = -2, n, **kwargs): A.__init__ (self, y, x, *args, m = n, n = m, **kwargs) class C: __pragma__ ('nokwargs') def tricky (self, *args): return args __pragma__ ('kwargs') def run (autoTester): def f (x, y = -1, *args, m = -2, n, **kwargs): # BEGIN issue 203, kwargs turned into real dict autoTester.check ('#203', kwargs.__class__.__name__) autoTester.check ('#203', sorted (kwargs.keys ())) # END issue 203 def f2 (x, y = -3, *args, m = -4, n, **kwargs): autoTester.check (x, y, args, m, n, kwargs) f2 (11, 22, 1010, 2020, m = 100100, n = 200200, p = 10001000, q = 20002000) autoTester.check (x, y, args, m, n, kwargs) f (1, 2, 10, 20, m = 100, n = 200, p = 1000, q = 2000) b = B (3, 4, 30, 40, m = 300, n = 400, p = 3000, q = 4000) b.f (autoTester) def g (*args, **kwargs): autoTester.check (args, kwargs) g (*(1, 2, 3), **{'p': 'aP', 'q': 'aQ', 'r': 'anR'}) (lambda x, y = -1, *args, m = -2, n, **kwargs: autoTester.check (x, y, args, m, n, kwargs)) (1, 2, 8, 16, m = 128, n = 256.3, p = 1024.3, q = 2048.3) autoTester.check (C () .tricky (* range (4))) autoTester.check ('{}-{}'.format (1, 3, 5, 7, 9)) autoTester.check ('{}-{}'.format (* range (4))) 4.2. Attribute access by name: getattr, setattr, hasattr ======================================================== Testlet: attribs_by_name class A: def __init__ (self): self.s = 'hello' a = A () def run (autoTester): autoTester.check (a.s, getattr (a, 's')) setattr (a, 's', 'goodbye') autoTester.check (a.s, getattr (a, 's')) setattr (a, 't', 'exists') autoTester.check (hasattr (a, 't'), a.t, getattr (a, 't')) delattr (a, 't') autoTester.check (hasattr (a, 't')) 4.3. Attribute proxies by name: __getattr__, __setattr__ ======================================================== Testlet: proxies from org.transcrypt.stubs.browser import __pragma__ def run (autoTester): class CodedStore: def __init__ (self): try: __pragma__ ('js', '{}', 'self ["__dict__"] = {}') except: pass def __setattr__ (self, name, message): self.__dict__ ['_' + name] = 'coded_' + message def __getattr__ (self, name): return 'decoded_' + self.__dict__ ['_' + name] def peek (self, name): return self.__dict__ ['_' + name] s = CodedStore () s.john = 'brown' s.mary = 'white' autoTester.check (s.peek ('john')) autoTester.check (s.peek ('mary')) autoTester.check (s.john) autoTester.check (s.mary) ''' The code above produces the following output: 'coded_brown' 'coded_white' 'decoded_coded_brown' 'decoded_coded_white' ''' class A: def __init__ (self): self.p = 1 self.q = 2 class B (A): def __getattr__ (self, name): return 'Faked {}'.format (name) class C (A): def __setattr__ (self, name, value): autoTester.check ('Set faked {}'.format (name)) A.__setattr__ (self, name, value) # Needed for CPython, inherited from class 'object' # Transcrypt doesn't need it, if there's no __setattrib__ it will just use self [name] = value class D (B, C): pass a = A () b = B () c = C () d = D () autoTester.check (a.p, a.q) a.p = 3 autoTester.check (a.p, a.q) autoTester.check (b.p, b.q, b.r, b.s) b.p = 4 b.r = 5 autoTester.check (b.p, b.q, b.r, b.s) autoTester.check (c.p, c.q) c.p = 6 c.q = 7 autoTester.check (c.p, c.q) autoTester.check (d.p, d.q, d.r, d.s) d.p = 8 d.q = 9 d.r = 10 d.s = 11 autoTester.check (d.p, d.q, d.r, d.s) # Issue 587, code as utilized by pjbonestro autoTester.check ("Issue 587") class Element(): def __init__(self): self.message = "Goodbye" def sayBye(self): autoTester.check (self.message) class Wrapper(): def __init__ (self, element): self.element = element def __setattr__ (self, name, value): """ set attribute on element if it already has the attribute """ if name != "element" and hasattr(self.element, name): setattr(self.element, name, value) else: self.__dict__[name] = value def __getattr__ (self, name): """ get attribute from element if this object doesn't have the attribute """ result = getattr(self.element, name) # if result is a function, bind self.element to it if hasattr(result, 'call') and hasattr(result, 'bind'): result = result.bind(self.element) return result def sayHello(self): autoTester.check("Hello") return self e = Element() w = Wrapper(e) # # Usage # e.sayBye() w.sayBye() # call functions on e, using w # and method chaining should work: w.sayHello().sayBye() w.message = "Bye" # set attributes on e, using w e.sayBye() w.sayBye() # call functions on e, using w # and method chaining should work: w.sayHello().sayBye() autoTester.check ("End issue 587") # End of issue 587 4.4. Bytes and bytearrays: initial support ========================================== Testlet: byte_arrays def run (autoTester): b = b'bike' s = bytes ('shop', 'utf8') e = b'' bb = bytearray ([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) bc = bytes ((5, 6, 7, 8, 9)) # __pragma__ ('opov') bps = b + b'pump' + s bps3 = 3 * bps + b'\0' aBps3 = bps * 3 + b'\0' l = [1, 2, 3] + [4, 5, 6] # __pragma__ ('noopov') def formatCheck (aBytes): autoTester.check ([int (aByte) for aByte in aBytes]) formatCheck (b) formatCheck (s) formatCheck (e) formatCheck (bb) formatCheck (bc) formatCheck (bps) formatCheck (bps3) formatCheck (aBps3) # __pragma__ ('opov') formatCheck (bb + bc) formatCheck (bytearray ('ding', 'utf8') + b'dang' + bytes ('dong', 'utf8')) # __pragma__ ('noopov') formatCheck (l) 4.5. Callable or not: using the callable () built-in function ============================================================= The *callable (object)* built-in function will tell you if something supports the () operator. Testlet: callable_test # Callable built-in method unit tests from org.transcrypt.stubs.browser import __pragma__ def run(test): """ """ def func(a,b): return(a*b) test.check( func(3,4) ) test.check( callable(func) ) for a in (True, False): test.check( callable(a) ) a = 1 test.check( callable(a) ) a = 2.3 test.check( callable(a) ) a = "asdf" test.check( callable(a) ) a = [] test.check( callable(a) ) a = [1,2,3,3] test.check( callable(a) ) a = ["asdf", "qwer", "zxcv"] test.check( callable(a) ) a = {"asdf" : 1, "qwer": 2} test.check( callable(a) ) a = set([1,2]) test.check(callable(a)) __pragma__('opov') class CallObj(object): def __init__(self, r): self._r = r def __call__(self): return(self._r) test.check( callable(CallObj) ) obj = CallObj(2) test.check(obj()) test.check( callable(obj) ) test.check( callable(obj._r) ) class NonCallObj(object): def __init__(self, b): self._b = b def func(self): return(self._b) test.check( callable(NonCallObj) ) obj2 = NonCallObj(2) test.check( callable(obj2) ) test.check( callable(obj2._b) ) test.check( callable(obj2.func) ) __pragma__('noopov') class NonOpovNonCallObj(object): """ """ def __init__(self, c): self._c = c def other(self, b): return(self._c * b) def _getC(self): return(self._c) def _setC(self, val): self._c = val C = property(_getC, _setC) obj = NonOpovNonCallObj(4) test.check( callable(obj) ) test.check( callable(obj.other) ) test.check( callable(obj._c) ) test.check( callable(obj.C) ) exc = Exception("asdf") test.check( callable(exc) ) 4.6. Classes: multiple inheritance and assignment of bound functions ==================================================================== Testlet: classes def run (autoTester): autoTester.check ('
') class A: p = 123 def __init__ (self, x): self.x = x autoTester.check (self.p) def show (self, label): autoTester.check ('A.show', label, self.x) def show2 (self, label): autoTester.check ('A.show2', label, self.x) class B: p, q = 456, 789 def __init__ (self, y): autoTester.check ('In B constructor') self.y = y autoTester.check (self.p) def show (self, label): autoTester.check ('B.show', label, self.y) class C (A, B): def __init__ (self, x, y): autoTester.check ('In C constructor') A.__init__ (self, x) B.__init__ (self, y) def show (self, label): A.show (self, label) B.show (self, label) autoTester.check ('C.show', label, self.x, self.y) a = A (1001) a.show ('america') autoTester.check (A.p) autoTester.check (a.p) b = B (2002) b.show ('russia') autoTester.check (B.p) autoTester.check (b.p) autoTester.check (b.q) autoTester.check (A.p) autoTester.check (a.p) c = C (3003, 4004) c.show ('netherlands') autoTester.check (C.p) autoTester.check (c.p) autoTester.check (c.q) c.show2 ('amsterdam') A.show2 (c, 'rotterdam') show3 = c.show show3 ('copy') autoTester.check (hasattr (a, 'x')) autoTester.check (hasattr (a, 'y')) autoTester.check (hasattr (a, 'p')) autoTester.check (hasattr (a, 'q')) autoTester.check ('

Augmented isinstance and issubclass
') # Augmented meaning: compatible with native JavaScript types simpleTypes = (dict, list, A, B, C, bool, str, float, int, object) tupleTypes = ((dict, list), (bool, int), (bool, A), (C, B), (B, object)) for i, types in enumerate ((simpleTypes, tupleTypes)): for j, aType in enumerate (types): for k, anObject in enumerate (({'a': 1}, [], a, C, c, C, b, True, 'a', 1, 1.2)): autoTester.check (i, j, k, isinstance (anObject, aType)) if types == simpleTypes: autoTester.check (i, j, k, isinstance (anObject, simpleTypes)) for i, types in enumerate ((simpleTypes, tupleTypes)): for j, aType in enumerate (types): for k, aClass in enumerate ((dict, list, A, C, B, bool, str, int, float)): autoTester.check (i + 2, j, k, issubclass (aClass, aType)) if types == simpleTypes: autoTester.check (i + 2, j, k, issubclass (aClass, simpleTypes)) autoTester.check ('

Method resolution order
') def mro (aClass, result = None): ''' Recursively assemble method resolution order from all base classes''' last = 0 if result is None: result = [aClass] last = 1 for aBase in aClass.__bases__: if not aBase in result and aBase != object: result.append (aBase) mro (aBase, result) if last and object in aClass.__bases__: aRoot.append (object) return result autoTester.check ([aClass.__name__ for aClass in mro (C)]) 4.7. Complex numbers: Python's builtin complex datatype ======================================================= Testlet: complex_numbers from org.transcrypt.stubs.browser import __pragma__ def run (autoTester): x = 567 y = -3 z = 5 * x + 2 * y autoTester.check (x.conjugate () .real, x.conjugate () .imag) autoTester.check (x, y, z) __pragma__ ('opov') a = 234 + 3j b = 4 - 5j c = complex (-6, 7) d = 1 autoTester.check (a, b, c) autoTester.check (d.conjugate () .real, d.conjugate () .imag) t = 6 * x - 3 * y + 7 # Just to check, faster with 'noopov' autoTester.check (t) d = 2 * a e = x * b f = z + d + e g = a / b h = a - b i = x - c j = a - x k = b + y autoTester.check (d, e, f, round (g.real, 2), round (g.imag, 2), h, i, j, k) __pragma__ ('noopov') 4.8. Conditional expressions: simple and nested =============================================== Testlet: conditional_expressions def f (x, b): return x * x if b else x + x def run (autoTester): bools = (False, True) for a in bools: for b in bools: autoTester.check (f (10 if a else 100, b)) for p in bools: for q in bools: for r in bools: autoTester.check ('a' if p else 'b' if q else 'c' if r else 'd') a = ((('e' if p else 'f') if q else 'g') if r else 'h') b = ('i' if p else ('j' if q else ('k' if r else 'l'))) c = 'm' if (p if q else r) else 'n' d = 'o' if p < q <= r else 'p' autoTester.check (a, b, c, d) odd = [x if x % 2 else x + 1 for x in range (10)] noDuplicates = set (odd) autoTester.check (odd, noDuplicates) 4.9. Control structures: for...else, while...else, if...elif...else, break, continue ==================================================================================== Testlet: control_structures class ContextManagerExample: def __init__ (self): self.counter = 0 def __enter__ (self): self.counter += 1 return self def __exit__ (self, *args): self.counter += 99 def run (autoTester): # General control structure tests for index in range (10): autoTester.check (index) for index in range (8, 16): autoTester.check (index) for index in range (8, 16, 2): autoTester.check (index) for index in range (10, 0, -1): autoTester.check (index) for index in range (16, 8, -2): autoTester.check (index) for animal in ('cat', 'dog', 'turtle', 'goldfish'): autoTester.check (animal) for index, square in enumerate ([x * x for x in range (10) if x % 2]): for y in (1, 2, 3): for z in (10, 20, 30): autoTester.check (square + y, z ) vehicles = ['bike', 'train', 'boat', 'car', 'plane', 'bus'] for doBreak in (False, True): for doContinue in (False, True): for index in range (10): for index2 in range (0, 100, 10): if doBreak and index2 == 50: autoTester.check ('break2') break if doContinue and index2 == 50: autoTester.check ('continue2') continue else: autoTester.check ('noBreak2') if doBreak and index == 5: autoTester.check ('break') break if doContinue and index == 5: autoTester.check ('continue') continue else: autoTester.check ('noBreak') index = 0 while index < len (vehicles) and vehicles [index] != 'bus': autoTester.check (index, vehicles [index]) if doBreak and vehicles [index] == 'car': autoTester.check ('breakWhile') break if doContinue and vehicles [index] == 'car': autoTester.check ('continueWhile') index += 1 continue index += 1 else: autoTester.check ('noBreakWhile') for vehicle in vehicles: if vehicle == 'bike': autoTester.check ('netherlands') elif vehicle == 'car': autoTester.check ('america') elif vehicle == 'boat': autoTester.check ('oceania') else: autoTester.check ('anywhere') # Context manager tests externalCounter1 = 0 with ContextManagerExample () as contextManagerExample1: externalCounter1 += 1 autoTester.check ('ctx1', contextManagerExample1.counter, externalCounter1) externalCounter2 = 0 with ContextManagerExample () as contextManagerExample2: externalCounter2 += 1 contextManagerExample2.counter += 100 externalCounter3 = 0 with ContextManagerExample () as contextManagerExample3: externalCounter3 += 1 contextManagerExample2.counter += 100 externalCounter3 += 2 contextManagerExample3.counter += 200 autoTester.check ('ctx3', contextManagerExample3.counter, externalCounter3) externalCounter2 += 2 contextManagerExample2.counter += 200 autoTester.check ('ctx2', contextManagerExample2.counter, externalCounter2) try: externalCounter4 = 0 with ContextManagerExample () as contextManagerExample4: externalCounter4 += 1 contextManagerExample4.counter += 100 externalCounter5 = 0 with ContextManagerExample () as contextManagerExample5: externalCounter5 += 1 contextManagerExample5.counter += 100 raise Exception () externalCounter5 += 2 contextManagerExample5.counter += 200 externalCounter4 += 2 contextManagerExample4.counter += 200 except Exception as exception: autoTester.check ('ctx6', exception) finally: autoTester.check ('ctx5', contextManagerExample5.counter, externalCounter5) autoTester.check ('ctx4', contextManagerExample4.counter, externalCounter4) # Multiple context managers in one clause # $$$ The new parsers seems to treat them more like separate context managers. # $$$ Or maybe it's a command line switch. iterationCount = 0 with ContextManagerExample () as contextManagerExample5, ContextManagerExample () as contextManagerExample6: iterationCount += 1 autoTester.check ('ctx7', iterationCount, contextManagerExample5.counter, contextManagerExample6.counter) iterationCount = 0 with ContextManagerExample (), ContextManagerExample (), ContextManagerExample (), \ ContextManagerExample (), ContextManagerExample (): iterationCount += 1 autoTester.check ('ctx8', iterationCount) 4.10. Data classes: Avoiding boilerplate code ============================================= Testlet: data_classes from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import ClassVar def getQ (): return 1002 @dataclass class A: m = 101010 n: int = 202020 @dataclass class B (A): p: int = 1001 q: int = 1002 @dataclass (order = True) class C (B): @dataclass class CC (B): k: int = 40 l: float = 55.5 j = 60 x: ClassVar = 10 y: int = 20 yy: int = 22 z: int = 30 zz: int = 33 t: ClassVar = 40 g = 100000 h = 100001 i = 100002 def getV (self): return 3 def setV (self, value): pass v = property (getV, setV) def getW (self): return 4 def setW (self, value): pass w: int = property (getW, setW) def f (self, p, autoTester): self.a = p self.b = 2000 autoTester.check (self.x, self.y, self.a) return f'something(a: {self.a}, b: {self.b})' @dataclass (order = True) class D: _p: int = 3 def setP (self, value): pass #self._p = value def getP (self): return 20 #return self._p p: int = property (getP, setP) def run (autoTester): c = C (y = 200, zz = 330) cc = C (y = 10200) c.f (123, autoTester) c.t = 400 cc.f (456, autoTester) cc.t = 4000 for obj in c, cc: autoTester.check (obj.x, obj.y, obj.yy, obj.z, obj.zz, obj.t, obj.a, obj.b) autoTester.check (repr (c)) autoTester.check (repr (cc)) #__pragma__ ('opov') autoTester.check (c == cc) autoTester.check (c != cc) autoTester.check (c < cc) autoTester.check (c > cc) # autoTester.check (c <= cc) # autoTester.check (c >= cc) autoTester.check (c == c) autoTester.check (c != c) autoTester.check (c < c) autoTester.check (c > c) autoTester.check (c <= c) autoTester.check (c >= c) d3 = D () d1 = D () d2 = D () autoTester.check (repr (d1)) autoTester.check (d3, d1, d3 > d1) autoTester.check (d2, d1, d2 > d1) autoTester.check (d3, d2, d3 > d2) ccc = C.CC () autoTester.check (ccc.n, ccc.p, ccc.q, ccc.k, ccc.l) 4.11. Data structures: tuple, list, dict, set ============================================= Testlet: data_structures def run (autoTester): aList = [1, 2, 3, 'moon', 'stars'] autoTester.check (aList) aList.insert (3, 'sun') autoTester.check (aList) autoTester.check (aList [2:4:1]) autoTester.check (aList [:]) autoTester.check (aList [2:]) autoTester.check (len (aList)) aList.append ('milkyway') autoTester.check (aList) aList.extend (['m1', 'm31']) autoTester.check (aList) anotherList = list (('a', 'b', 'c')) autoTester.check (anotherList) autoTester.check ('b' in anotherList) autoTester.check ('d' in anotherList) aDict = {1: 'plant', 'animal': 2} autoTester.check (aDict) autoTester.check (aDict [1], aDict ['animal']) def p (): return 3 q = 4 autoTester.check ({p (): 'three', q: 'four'}) aTuple = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) autoTester.check(aTuple) autoTester.check (len (aTuple)) anotherTuple = (1,) autoTester.check (anotherTuple) aSet = {1, 2, 2, 3} autoTester.check (aSet) autoTester.check (len (aSet)) autoTester.check (2 in aSet) autoTester.check (4 in aSet) aSet.clear () autoTester.check (aSet) anotherSet = set ((4, 5, 5, 6)) autoTester.check (anotherSet) emptySet = set () autoTester.check (emptySet) autoTester.check (len (emptySet)) aString = 'c_cis_d_dis_e_f_fis_g_gis_a_ais_b_c' autoTester.check ('cis' in aString) autoTester.check ('g' in aString) autoTester.check ('bes' in aString) autoTester.check ('z' in aString) 4.12. Decorators: function and class, with and without parameters ================================================================= Transcrypt supports decorators on methods and classes. A decorator itself can be a function or an object with an overloaded __call__ operator. Parameterized decorator factories are also supported. All flavours of properties can be used directly or through decorator syntax. Extensive use of properties is demonstrated in the properties testlet. Testlet: decorators from org.transcrypt.stubs.browser import __pragma__ def run (autoTester): def repeat3 (bareFunc): __pragma__ ('kwargs') def innerFunc (*args, **kwargs): autoTester.check ('BEGIN repeat3') for i in range (3): bareFunc (*args, **kwargs) autoTester.check ('END repeat3') __pragma__ ('nokwargs') return innerFunc def repeatN (n): def repeat (bareFunc): __pragma__ ('kwargs') def innerFunc (*args, **kwargs): autoTester.check ('BEGIN repeatN ({})'.format (n)) for i in range (n): bareFunc (*args, **kwargs) autoTester.check ('END repeatN ({})'.format (n)) __pragma__ ('nokwargs') return innerFunc return repeat class Repeater: def __init__ (self, n): self.n = n def __call__ (self, bareFunc): __pragma__ ('kwargs') def innerFunc (*args, **kwargs): autoTester.check ('BEGIN repeat3') for i in range (self.n): bareFunc (*args, **kwargs) autoTester.check ('END repeat3') __pragma__ ('nokwargs') return innerFunc @repeatN (4) @repeat3 def funcNoArg (): autoTester.check ('spam') funcNoArg () autoTester.check () __pragma__ ('kwargs') @repeat3 @repeatN (2) def funcArg (a): autoTester.check ('eggs', a) __pragma__ ('nokwargs') funcArg (3) autoTester.check () funcArg (a = 4) autoTester.check () __pragma__ ('opov') @Repeater (3) def funcNoArg2 (): autoTester.check ('toast') __pragma__ ('noopov') funcNoArg2 () autoTester.check () __pragma__ ('opov') __pragma__ ('kwargs') @Repeater (5) def funcArg2 (a): autoTester.check ('jam', a) __pragma__ ('nokwargs') __pragma__ ('noopov') funcArg2 (3) autoTester.check () funcArg2 (a = 4) autoTester.check () def next (bareFunc): def innerFunc (value): return bareFunc (value + 1) return innerFunc @next class Number: def __init__ (self, value): self.value = value autoTester.check ('two', Number (1) .value) class Test: @classmethod def f (cls, x, y): autoTester.check (cls.__name__, x, y) def g (self, x, y): autoTester.check (self.__class__.__name__, x, y) test = Test () test.f (1, 2) test.g (3, 4) 4.13. Dict comprehensions ========================= Testlet: dict_comprehensions from org.transcrypt.stubs.browser import __pragma__ __pragma__ ('iconv') # Convert dict to key list without using keys () method def run (autoTester): original = {'Isaac': 'Newton', 'Albert': 'Einstein', 'Paul': 'Dirac'} autoTester.check (original) inverted = {original [key]: key for key in original} autoTester.check (inverted) 4.14. Dictionaries: dict revisited ================================== Testlet: dictionaries from org.transcrypt.stubs.browser import __pragma__ __pragma__ ('iconv') # Dictionaries are translated to JavaScript objects, # to achieve JSON-compatible syntax for JavaScript library object initialisation. # Keys that may denote a number are interpreted as such in Transcrypt. # All other keys are interpreted as strings. def run (autoTester): tel = {'guido': 4127, 'jack': 4098} autoTester.check (len (tel)) tel ['sape'] = 4139 autoTester.check (tel) autoTester.check (tel ['jack']) del tel ['sape'] tel ['irv'] = 4127 autoTester.check (tel) autoTester.check (sorted (list (tel.keys ())), False) autoTester.check (sorted (tel.keys ())) autoTester.check ('guido' in tel) autoTester.check ('jack' not in tel) autoTester.check (dict ([('guido', 4127), ('jack', 4098), ('sape', 4139)])) autoTester.check ( autoTester.expectException( lambda: dict(1) ) ) autoTester.check ( autoTester.expectException( lambda: dict(134.34) ) ) autoTester.check ( autoTester.expectException( lambda: dict('asdf') ) ) autoTester.check ( autoTester.expectException( lambda: dict(['1234', 1]) ) ) autoTester.check( dict ([])) autoTester.check (dict ({})) autoTester.check (dict ({'asdf': 1, 'qwer': 2}) ) # check dict copy, Issue # 221 b = {'a' : 2.01, 'b': -3.3} d = dict (b) autoTester.check (d) b = {'a' : 2, 'b': [1,2,3]} d = dict (b) autoTester.check (d) b = {'a' : None, 'b': set([1,2,3])} d = dict (b) autoTester.check (d) b = {'a' : {'c': 2}, 'b': (1,2)} d = dict (b) autoTester.check (d) autoTester.check (d['a']['c']) autoTester.check (d.get('a').get('c')) autoTester.check (b.get('a').get('c')) d['a']['c'] = 3 autoTester.check (d.get('a').get('c')) autoTester.check (b.get('a').get('c')) knights = {'robin': 'the brave', 'gallahad': 'the pure'} for k, v in sorted (knights.items ()): autoTester.check (k, v) if 'gallahad' in knights: autoTester.check ('gallahad is a knight') for k in sorted (knights): autoTester.check (k) knight = {'rudolph': 'the righteous'} for k in knight: # Autotest automatic conversion with one knight, since sort order of dict undefined autoTester.check (k) tel = {'guido': 123} tel.update({'edsger': 42}) autoTester.check (tel.setdefault ('linus', 456)) autoTester.check (tel ['linus']) autoTester.check (tel.setdefault ('guido', 789)) autoTester.check (tel.pop ('guido', 1)) autoTester.check (tel.pop ('guido', 1)) autoTester.check (tel.pop ('edsger', 2)) autoTester.check (tel.pop ('foo', 'bar')) autoTester.check (tel.pop ('foo', None)) # Check compound keys (issue 281) d = {} d ['a'] = 3777 d [(1, 2)] = 4777 autoTester.check (d ['a'], d [(1, 2)]) __pragma__ ('opov') d = {} d ['a'] = 3777 d [(1, 2)] = 4777 autoTester.check (d ['a'], d [(1, 2)]) __pragma__ ('noopov') # Check exceptions knights = {'robin': 'the brave', 'gallahad': 'the pure'} autoTester.check ( autoTester.expectException ( lambda: knights.pop("batman") ) ) autoTester.check ( autoTester.expectException ( lambda: knights.pop("batman", None) ) ) autoTester.check ( autoTester.expectException ( lambda: knights.pop("batman", "the gullible") ) ) 4.15. Diverse issues ==================== Testlet: div_issues from org.transcrypt.stubs.browser import __pragma__, __new__, __envir__, __symbols__ from div_issues.issue55 import * # Names not exported from package's __init__.py, no output, only compilation check from div_issues.issue387 import run387 # Support __module__ and __qualname__ for introspection (only __module__ done and # __name__ set to '__main__ for main module' from div_issues.issue559 import run559 # Imported names not reexported form the __init__.py of a module import re def run (autoTester): autoTester.check ('Issue 24') # Non keyword switch generates javascript SyntaxError switch = False autoTester.check (switch) autoTester.check ('Issue 27') # Python list.index () not translated correctly autoTester.check (['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four'] .index ('three')) autoTester.check ('Issue 36') # Bug in compiling lambda default argument values # Workaround for Python closures capturing variables rather than values # An extra enclosing scope is created to remember the value of the variable results = [] for i in range (10): # results.append (lambda: i) # Works nowhere # results.append (lambda j = i: j) # Works only in Python results.append ((lambda j: lambda: j) (i)) # Works in Python and Transcrypt autoTester.check ([result () for result in results]) autoTester.check ('Issue 37') # Python integer division not translated correctly autoTester.check (15 // 7) autoTester.check ('Issue 40') # Python parentheses dropped during translation autoTester.check (65 / (5 * 2)) autoTester.check ('Issue 50') # Wrong answer with parentheses moved during translation autoTester.check ((240 + 30 - 1) // 30 * 30) autoTester.check ('Issue 51') # Wrong answer with set() compare a = 1 b = 1 autoTester.check (a, b, {a, b} == {1, 2}) autoTester.check ('Issue 52') # Non keyword 'default' generates javascript SyntaxError switch, case, default = 'switch', 'case', 'default' autoTester.check (switch, case, default) autoTester.check ('Issue 54') # Type dict missing clear(), setdefault() aDict = {1: 11, 2: 22, 3: 33} autoTester.check (aDict) aDict.clear () autoTester.check (aDict) autoTester.check ('Issue 60') # Python bool() not translated three = 3 one = three & 1 seven = three | 4 eight = one << 3 four = eight >> 1 aTrue = bool (three & one) aFalse = bool (three & four) autoTester.check (3, three, 1, one, 7, seven, 8, eight, 4, four, True, aTrue, False, aFalse) autoTester.check ('Issue 65') # Adding two lists with + not supported __pragma__ ('opov') aList = [4, 5, 6] autoTester.check ([1, 2, 3,] + aList + [4, 5, 6]) autoTester.check (3 * [1, 2, 3]) autoTester.check ([1, 2, 3] * 3) aString = 'Crocodile' autoTester.check ('Tiger' + aString + 'Elephant') autoTester.check (3 * aString) autoTester.check (aString * 3) __pragma__ ('noopov') autoTester.check ('Issue 76') # Python //= not translated correctly initially17 = 17 autoTester.check (initially17) initially17 //= 2 autoTester.check (initially17) initially17 //= 2 autoTester.check (initially17) autoTester.check ('Issue 112') # When using -e6, iterating TypedArrays or other non-list Iterables doesn't work try: if __envir__.executor_name == __envir__.transpiler_name: # CPython doesn't know Int8Array x = __new__ (Int8Array (2)) else: x = [None, None] x [0] = 3 x [1] = 2 for i in x: autoTester.check (i) y = 3 for j in y: autoTester.check (j) except: # No 'Exception' can be used behind this, since this is a JavaScript exception, and no subclass of Exception. ??? How desirable is this behaviour? pass # autoTester.check ('Detected iterating over non-iterable') # Minifier masks this exception, so we'll have to pass autoTester.check ('Issue 122') # Problem with yield (or rather with slicing beyond list end) def chunks (aList, chunkLength): for index in range (0, len (aList), chunkLength): yield aList [index : index + chunkLength] for chunk in chunks ([chr (index + 97) for index in range (26)], 10): autoTester.check (chunk) autoTester.check ('Issue 123') # Python % shouldn't behave like JS % autoTester.check (10 % 3, 10 % -3, -10 % 3, -10 % -3, 10 % 10, 10 % -10, -10 % 10, -10 % -10) autoTester.check ('Issue 125') # Strings not iterable abc = 'abc' for index in abc: autoTester.check (abc) autoTester.check ('Issue 127') # Can't use the key 'keys' in a dict autoTester.check ({"include_docs": "true", "keys": ["key1", "key2"], "limit": 50}) autoTester.check ('Issue 134') # Operator %= translated incorrectly x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 = 5, 12, -5, -5, 0, 0 x0 %= 10; x1 %= 5; x2 %= 2; x3 %= -3; x4 %= 1; x5 %= -1000 autoTester.check (x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) autoTester.check ('Issue 136') # Method dict.get(key[, default]) not implemented aDict = {'a': 'ape', 'b': 'banana'} autoTester.check (aDict.get ('a', 'noApe'), aDict.get ('b'), aDict.get ('c', 'noCarot'), aDict.get ('d')) autoTester.check ('Issue 144') __pragma__('opov') aList = [x for x in [1, 2, 3]] autoTester.check (aList) __pragma__('noopov') autoTester.check ('

Issue 145
') # List sorting incorrect in case of multiple columns class SortTest: def __init__ (self): self.alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' self.nChars = 10 self.nCols = 10 self.nRows = 30 self.pseudoRandom = 0 def randomWord (): word = '' for iChar in range (self.nChars): self.pseudoRandom = (81212 * self.pseudoRandom + 28411) % 134456 # self.pseudoRandom = (1234 * self.pseudoRandom + 57) % 137 # Deliberately short period word += self.alphabet [self.pseudoRandom % 26] return word self.rows = [[randomWord () for iCol in range (self.nCols)] for iRow in range (self.nRows)] def sort (self): for iCol in reversed (range (self.nCols)): self.rows.sort (key = lambda row: row [iCol]) sortTest = SortTest () autoTester.check ('
') for row in sortTest.rows: autoTester.check ('{}
'.format (','.join ([word for word in row]))) sortTest.sort () autoTester.check ('
') for row in sortTest.rows: autoTester.check ('{}
'.format (','.join ([word for word in row]))) autoTester.check ('

Issue 148
') # Allow key a.o. key 'items' in dict aDict = { 'items': [4, 5, 6] } for aKey, aValue in aDict.items (): autoTester.check ('{}: {}'.format (aKey, aValue)) autoTester.check ('

Issue 169
') # Add support for float('inf') and float('-inf') autoTester.check (int (1 / float ('inf')), int (1 / float ('-inf'))) autoTester.check ('

Issue 178
') # List Comprehensions / Operator Precedence Bug bitmaps = [ (2 , ''), (4 , ''), (8, 'i'), (16, 'm'), (32, 'y'), (64, 'u'), (128, 'g') ] for flags in (122, 233, 11, 55, 79, 201, 23, 111, 200, 100, 50, 25, 12, 6): autoTester.check (''.join ([x [1] for x in bitmaps if (x [0] & flags) > 0])) def issue256 (): autoTester.check ('Issue 256') class C: def __init__ (self, value): self.value = value def f1 (value): # Generate parens after return return (C (value) .value or 'second') .capitalize () == 'First' def f2 (value): # Generate parens after return return (C (value) .value or 'second') .capitalize () == 'Second' def f3 (value): # Generate NO parens after return return C (value) .value or 'second' def f4 (value): # Generate NO parens after return return (C (value) .value or 'second') autoTester.check (f1 ('first')) autoTester.check (f1 ('')) autoTester.check (f2 ('first')) autoTester.check (f2 ('')) autoTester.check (f3 ('first')) autoTester.check (f4 ('')) issue256 () autoTester.check ('Issue 274') a = 3 del a autoTester.check ('Still alive') autoTester.check ('Issue 276') # Partial, other part tested in testlet 'operator_overloading' a = 2 b = a ** 3 a **= 4 autoTester.check (a, b) autoTester.check ('Issue 277') new = 3 autoTester.check (new) autoTester.check ('Issue 279') class A: TypeError = 111 js_TypeError = 222 autoTester.check (A.TypeError, A.js_TypeError) # ... Generated code should use py_TypeError and TypeError respectively autoTester.check ('Still alive') autoTester.check ('Issue 301') def filter_word (word0, word1): if len (word0) != len (word1): return False for char0, char1 in zip (word0, word1): if char0 != '_' and char0 != char1: return False return True autoTester.check (filter_word ('bee', 'beer')) autoTester.check (filter_word ('wine', 'wine')) autoTester.check (filter_word ('win_', 'wind')) autoTester.check (filter_word ('_in_', 'kind')) autoTester.check (filter_word ('min_', 'kind')) autoTester.check ('Issue 306') dict_306 = {'Abraham': 'Lincoln', 'Barack': 'O\'Bama', 'Thomas': 'Jefferson'} results = [] try: while True: results.append (dict_306.popitem ()) except Exception as exception: autoTester.check (sorted (results)) autoTester.check ('That\'s it') autoTester.check ('Issue 314') try: autoTester.check (int (float (123))) except: autoTester.check ('a') try: autoTester.check (float (12.3)) except: autoTester.check ('b') try: autoTester.check (int (float ('123'))) except: autoTester.check ('c') try: autoTester.check (int (float (' 123'))) except: autoTester.check ('d') try: autoTester.check (float ('')) except: autoTester.check ('e') try: autoTester.check (float (' ')) except: autoTester.check ('f') try: autoTester.check (float ('drie')) except: autoTester.check ('g') autoTester.check ('Issue 316') autoTester.check (list (filter (None, [[1, 2], [3], [], [4, 5], [6]]))) autoTester.check (list (filter (lambda l: len (l) >= 2, [[1, 2], [3], [], [4, 5], [6]]))) autoTester.check ('Issue 317') mylist = [] try: mylist.remove ('value') except ValueError as exception: autoTester.check (exception.__class__.__name__) autoTester.check ('Issue 331') autoTester.check (max (-5, 4, 1, 2, -3, 2)) autoTester.check (max ([-5, 4, 1, 2, -3, 2])) autoTester.check (max ((5, 6, 2, -2, -4))) autoTester.check (min (-5, 4, 1, 2, -3, 2)) autoTester.check (min ([-5, 4, 1, 2, -3, 2])) autoTester.check (min ((5, 6, 2, -2, -4))) autoTester.check ('issue 356') try: raise TypeError("How are you?") except TypeError as exception: autoTester.check (exception) autoTester.check ('Issue 369') class Vector: def __init__ (self, *values): self.values = values def __iter__ (self): for item in self.values: yield item def __add__(self, other): return Vector (* (x + y for x, y in zip (self, other))) def __str__ (self): return str (list (self.values)) #__pragma__ ('opov') autoTester.check (str (Vector (1,2,3) + Vector (3,4,5))) #__pragma__ ('noopov') autoTester.check ('Issue 387') run387 (autoTester) autoTester.check ('Issue 391') autoTester.check (int (False)) autoTester.check (int (True)) autoTester.check (int (1 == 2)) autoTester.check (int (1 != 2)) autoTester.check ('Issue 392') class Example: d = {'A': 1, 'B': 2} rec = re.compile ('(?P\d+)', re.ASCII) def run(self): match = self.rec.match ('42') if not match: print('ERROR: RE does not match') e = match.groupdict () autoTester.check ("before: self.d=", self.d) autoTester.check ("before: e=", e) self.d.update (e) autoTester.check ("after: self.d=", self.d) example = Example () example.run () autoTester.check ('Issue 398') # This used to give extra comma's so invalid syntax (no check calls needed) class Test398 (object): #__pragma__ ('skip') def method1 (self): pass def method2 (self): pass #__pragma__ ('noskip') pass test398 = Test398 () autoTester.check ('Issue 399') __pragma__ ('keycheck') try: surpressWarning = {'a':5}['a'] surpressWarning = {'a':5}['b'] autoTester.check ('no problem') except KeyError: autoTester.check ('not found') autoTester.check ('Issue 413') __pragma__ ('nokeycheck') class Foo: def __len__ (self): return 3 def __getitem__ (self, i): if i >= 3: raise IndexError return 'This is item ' + str (i) foo = Foo () #__pragma__ ('opov') autoTester.check ('Attempt 1:') for i in foo: autoTester.check (i) autoTester.check ('Attempt 2:') for i in range (len (foo)): autoTester.check (foo [i]) #__pragma__('noopov') autoTester.check ('Issue 414') class Foo: pass foo = Foo () foo.bar = 'baz' foo.name = 'hello' foo.default = 'world' autoTester.check ([x for x in dir (foo) if not x.startswith ('__')]) #__pragma__('kwargs') def foo (*args, **kwargs): default = kwargs.get ('default', 'bar') return default autoTester.check (foo()) autoTester.check (foo(default = 'Hello World')) autoTester.check ('Issue 460') s460 = 'car' l460 = [11, 22, 33] t460 = (4, 5, 6) d460 = {-1: 'mmminusOne', 'b': 'bbbike'} #__pragma__ ('opov') l460 [0] = 1 l460 [-2] = 2 l460 [-1] = 3 d460 [-1] = 'minusOne' d460 ['b'] = 'bike' autoTester.check (s460 [0], s460 [1], s460 [2], s460 [-1], s460 [-2], s460 [-3]) autoTester.check (l460 [0], l460 [1], l460 [2], l460 [-1], l460 [-2], l460 [-3]) autoTester.check (t460 [0], t460 [1], t460 [2], t460 [-1], t460 [-2], t460 [-3]) autoTester.check (d460 [-1], d460 ['b']) autoTester.check (s460 [0], s460 [1], s460 [2], s460 [-1], s460 [-2], s460 [-3]) autoTester.check (l460 [0], l460 [1], l460 [2], l460 [-1], l460 [-2], l460 [-3]) autoTester.check (t460 [0], t460 [1], t460 [2], t460 [-1], t460 [-2], t460 [-3]) autoTester.check (d460 [-1], d460 ['b']) #__pragma__ ('noopov') #__pragma__ ('keycheck') try: autoTester.check (d460 [-1], d460 ['c']) except: autoTester.check (111) try: autoTester.check (d460 [-2], d460 ['b']) except: autoTester.check (222) #__pragma__ ('nokeycheck') a = [1, 2, 3] b = [4, 5, 6] c = '1,2,34,5,6' if __envir__.executor_name == __envir__.transpiler_name: autoTester.check (a + b) autoTester.check (a + b) #__:opov autoTester.check (a + b) else: autoTester.check (c) autoTester.check (a + b) #__:opov autoTester.check (c) #__pragma__ ('opov') if __envir__.executor_name == __envir__.transpiler_name: autoTester.check (a + b) #__:noopov autoTester.check (a + b) autoTester.check (a + b) #__:noopov else: autoTester.check (c) #__:noopov autoTester.check (a + b) autoTester.check (c) #__:noopov #__pragma__ ('noopov') autoTester.check ('Issue 494') # {None} in formatted string gets converted to {} # Worked, should still work a = 1 autoTester.check (f'a={a}') # Failed, should now work a = None autoTester.check (f'a={a}') autoTester.check ('Issue 515') # Method format() is failing to replace the replacement fields if the value is None autoTester.check('a: {}; b: {}'.format(None, 1)) autoTester.check('a: {}; b: {}'.format(1, None)) autoTester.check('a: {0}; b: {1}'.format(1, None)) autoTester.check('a: {0}; b: {1}'.format(1, [])) autoTester.check('a: {}; b: {}'.format(1, [])) autoTester.check('a: {0}; b: {1}'.format(1, {})) autoTester.check('a: {}; b: {}'.format(1, {})) autoTester.check('a: {0}; b: {1}'.format(1, 0)) autoTester.check('a: {}; b: {}'.format(1, 0)) autoTester.check ('Issue 559') # Reexport everything imported, e.g. by the __init__.py of a module run559 (autoTester) 4.16. Diverse pulls =================== Testlet: div_pulls # Also contains small enhancements import div_pulls.pull575_reexport_modules as pull575 'This is a single line docstring' class A: ''' This is a multiline docstring ''' def __init__ (self, x): 'This is a single line comment' self.x = x ''' This is a multiline docstring ''' 'This is a single line docstring' ''' This is a multiline docstring ''' a = A (5.5) def run (autoTester): autoTester.check ('Pull 56') s = 'abcdefghij' autoTester.check (s [2:3]) autoTester.check (s [:3]) autoTester.check (s [2:]) autoTester.check (s [::2]) autoTester.check ('Pull 59') autoTester.check (list (filter (lambda x: x % 2 == 0, range (10)))) autoTester.check (list (map (lambda x: x*x, range (0, 31, 3)))) autoTester.check ('Pull 561') def brackets (word): autoTester.check ('sideeffect') return '[' + word + ']' autoTester.check (brackets ('anything') .lower ()) #__:opov pull575.run (autoTester) 4.17. Docstrings: __doc__ attribute generated optionally ======================================================== To keep the generated code lean, generation of *__doc__* attributes is controlled per module by *__pragma__ ('docat')* or by the *-d* / *--docat* command line switch, combined with user per module of *__pragma__ ('nodocat')* Testlet: docstrings '''Just a module to test docstrings''' '''Not visible''' from org.transcrypt.stubs.browser import __pragma__ __pragma__ ('docat') def run (autoTester): def f (p): '''Just a function called f''' '''Not visible''' autoTester.check (p) class C: '''Just a class called C''' '''Not visible''' def g (self, q): '''Just a method called g''' '''Not visible''' autoTester.check (q) autoTester.check (__doc__) autoTester.check () autoTester.check (f.__doc__) autoTester.check () autoTester.check (C.__doc__) autoTester.check () autoTester.check (C.g.__doc__) autoTester.check () f ('Doc') C () .g ('strings') 4.18. Exceptions: exception class hierarchy, finally ==================================================== Testlet: exceptions from org.transcrypt.stubs.browser import __envir__, __new__, __pragma__ class Ex1 (Exception): pass class Ex2 (Ex1): pass class Ex3 (Exception): pass class Table (BaseException): # Any Python exception MUST inherit from BaseException def __init__ (self, *args): self.fields = args def __repr__ (self): return 'Table' + repr (self.fields) .replace (', ', ',') .replace ('\'', '') def test1 (): raise (Exception ('mary')) def test2 (autoTester): try: test1 () except Ex1 as exception: autoTester.check (111) autoTester.check (exception) except Exception as exception: autoTester.check (222) autoTester.check (exception) def run (autoTester): test2 (autoTester) try: raise Ex2 ('had') except Ex1 as exception: autoTester.check ('a') except Exception as exception: autoTester.check ('little') autoTester.check (exception) autoTester.check (333) try: raise Ex1 ('lamb') except Ex2 as exception: autoTester.check ('his') autoTester.check (exception) except Ex1 as exception: autoTester.check ('fleece') autoTester.check (exception) except Exception as exception: autoTester.check ('was') autoTester.check (exception) finally: autoTester.check ('white') autoTester.check (444) def test3 (): raise Ex3 ('as') autoTester.check (555) try: test3 () except Ex1 as exception: autoTester.check ('snow') autoTester.check (exception) except Exception as exception: autoTester.check ('and') autoTester.check (exception) finally: autoTester.check ('everywhere') autoTester.check (666) try: raise Ex3 ('that') except Ex1 as exception: autoTester.check ('mary') autoTester.check (exception) except: autoTester.check ('went') finally: autoTester.check ('the') autoTester.check (777) try: try: raise Ex3 ('lamb') except Ex1 as exception: autoTester.check ('was') autoTester.check (exception) finally: autoTester.check ('to') except Ex3 as exception: # We should get here, exception not swallowed autoTester.check ('go') autoTester.check (exception) try: raise __new__ (Table ('he', 'followed', 'her')) except Ex1 as exception: autoTester.check ('to') autoTester.check (exception) except Table as exception: # Pure JavaScript exception, if no Python __class__ autoTester.check ('school') autoTester.check (exception) except Ex3 as exception: autoTester.check ('one') autoTester.check (exception) finally: autoTester.check ('day') try: assert 2 * 8 / 4 == 2, 'Assert error 1' except AssertionError as exception: autoTester.check (exception) try: assert 2 * 8 / 4 == 4, 'Assert error 2' except AssertionError as exception: autoTester.check (exception) try: assert 2 * 8 / 4 == 2 except AssertionError as exception: autoTester.check (exception) try: assert 2 * 8 / 4 == 4 except AssertionError as exception: autoTester.check (exception) autoTester.check (888) try: autoTester.check ('hello world 1') except: autoTester.check ('error 1') else: autoTester.check ('no error 1') i = 1 + 2 try: autoTester.check ('hello world 2') if i == 3: # Prevent unreachable code warning raise Exception () except: autoTester.check ('error 2') else: autoTester.check ('no error 2') for raiseIt in (False, True): try: try: if raiseIt: raise Exception () autoTester.check ('no error 3') finally: autoTester.check ('anyhow 3') except: autoTester.check ('error 3') 4.19. Extended slices: facilitating NumScrypt and such ====================================================== Testlet: extended_slices from org.transcrypt.stubs.browser import * from org.transcrypt.stubs.browser import __pragma__, __envir__ def indices (key): if __envir__.executor_name == __envir__.transpiler_name: return tuple (key) if type (key) == list else key else: try: return key.indices (1000000000) except: try: return tuple ([indices (subkey) for subkey in key]) except: return key class Test: def __init__ (self, autoTester): self.autoTester = autoTester def __getitem__ (self, key): self.autoTester.check ('getitem (', indices (key), ')') return 1234567 def __setitem__ (self, key, value): self.autoTester.check ('setitem (', indices (key), ')', value) def run (autoTester): a = b = c = d = e = f = g = h = i = j = k = l = Test (autoTester) __pragma__ ('opov') a [1:2:3, 4:5:6] = b [7:8:9] c [1:2:3] = d [4:5:6, 7:8:9] e [1, 1:2:3, 3] = f [4, 4:5:6, 6] g [1, 2, 3] = h [1, 2, 3] i [1] = j [1] k [1:2:3] = l [1:2:3] 4.20. General functions: sort and sorted ======================================== Testlet: general_functions from org.transcrypt.stubs.browser import __pragma__ class A: foo='bar' def __init__ (self): self.foo2 = 'bar2' class B (A): foo3='bar3' def __init__ (self): self.foo4 = 'bar4' class C: def __len__ (self): return 42 def run (autoTester): autoTester.check ('len') strings = ['hello', ',', 'world', '!'] instances = [C()] collections = [ [], [1], [1, 2], tuple(), (1,), (1, 2), {}, {1: 1}, {1: 1, 2: 2} ] for string in strings: autoTester.check (len (string)) for instance in instances: autoTester.check (len (instance)) for collection in collections: autoTester.check (len (collection)) autoTester.check ('sort and sorted
') a = [1, 5, 3, 2, -1] b = ['sun', 'earth', 'moon'] autoTester.check (sorted (a)) autoTester.check (sorted (b)) a.sort () autoTester.check (a) b.sort () autoTester.check (b) autoTester.check (sorted (a, reverse = True)) autoTester.check (sorted (b, reverse = True)) a.sort (reverse = True) autoTester.check (a) b.sort (reverse = True) autoTester.check (b) b.sort (key = lambda x: len (x)) autoTester.check (b) b.sort (key = lambda x: len (x), reverse = True) autoTester.check (b) autoTester.check ('

') autoTester.check ([entry for entry in dir (A) if not entry.startswith ('__')]) autoTester.check ([entry for entry in dir (A()) if not entry.startswith ('__')]) autoTester.check ([entry for entry in dir (B) if not entry.startswith ('__')]) autoTester.check ([entry for entry in dir (B()) if not entry.startswith ('__')]) autoTester.check ('

any, all, sum
') list1 = ['ape', 'node', 'mice'] list2 = ['vim', '', 'jet'] list3 = ['', '', ''] list4 = [[1, 2], [1], []] # Truthyness into play autoTester.check (list1, any (list1), all (list1)) autoTester.check (list2, any (list2), all (list2)) autoTester.check (list3, any (list3), all (list3)) autoTester.check (list4, any (list4), all (list4)) autoTester.check (sum (range (5))) def generator1 (): for i in range (5): yield i; def generator2 (): for i in range (5): if i % 2: yield 0 else: yield i; def generator3 (): for i in range (5): yield 0; autoTester.check (generator1 (), any (generator1 ()), all (generator1 ())) autoTester.check (generator2 (), any (generator2 ()), all (generator2 ())) autoTester.check (generator3 (), any (generator3 ()), all (generator3 ())) autoTester.check (sum (generator1 ())) __pragma__ ('endif') 4.21. Global variable access by using globals () [] ================================================================== The *globals ()* function does the same as its counterpart in CPython, with some restrictions. In the same module: * *globals ()* can retrieve all module-level variables, whether created via *globals ()* or in the normal way * module-level variables created via *globals ()* can only be retrieved by *globals ()*, not as a normal variable From a different module: * *globals ()* can retrieve all module-level variables, whether created by *globals ()* or in the normal way * module-level variables created by *globals ()* can be retrieved by *globals ()*, but also as a normal variable Since imports are done (statically) at compile time, *from ... import ** will not include the variables created (dynamically) via *globals ()*. You can however import the whole module, e.g. *import as * and then use *.*. The code below shows what's possible: Testlet: globals_function, module sub # __pragma__ ('xglobs') xxa = 'subXxa' xxb = 'subXxb' xxp = None xxq = None xxr = None xxs = None for name in ('xxp', 'xxq'): globals () [name] = 'sub{}'.format (name.capitalize ()) def f (): for name in ('xxr', 'xxs'): globals () [name] = 'sub{}'.format (name.capitalize ()) def run (autoTester): f () autoTester.check ('Check sub 1', xxa, xxb) autoTester.check ('Check sub 2', * [globals () [name] for name in ('xxa', 'xxb', 'xxp', 'xxq', 'xxr', 'xxs')]) autoTester.check ('Check sub 3', * sorted ([value for key, value in globals () .items () if key.startswith ('xx')])) Testlet: globals_function, main program # __pragma__ ('xglobs') from globals_function import sub xxa = 'mainXxa' xxb = 'mainXxb' xxp = None xxq = None xxr = None xxs = None for name in ('xxp', 'xxq'): globals () [name] = 'main{}'.format (name.capitalize ()) def f (): for name in ('xxr', 'xxs'): globals () [name] = 'main{}'.format (name.capitalize ()) def run (autoTester): f () # All vars of main added sub.run (autoTester) # Shouldn't override vars of main autoTester.check ('Check main 1', xxa, xxb) autoTester.check ('Check main 2', * [globals () [name] for name in ('xxa', 'xxb', 'xxp', 'xxq', 'xxr', 'xxs')]) autoTester.check ('Check main 3', sub.xxa, sub.xxb, sub.xxp, sub.xxq, sub.xxr, sub.xxs) autoTester.check ('Check main 4', * sorted ([value for key, value in globals () .items () if key.startswith ('xx')])) The output will be: [image: Output of 'global_functions autotest'][image] 4.22. Indices and slices: LHS, RHS, basic and extended ====================================================== Testlet: indices_and_slices def run (autoTester): # Right hand side slices all = range (32) autoTester.check (all) autoTester.check (all [8 : 24]) autoTester.check (all [8 : 24 : 2]) # Left hand side slices aList = [3, 4, 7, 8] autoTester.check (aList) aList [4 : 4] = [9, 10] autoTester.check (aList) aList [2 : 2] = [5, 6] autoTester.check (aList) aList [0 : 0] = [1, 2] autoTester.check (aList) aList [ : : 2] = [x + 0.001 for x in range (10) if x % 2] autoTester.check (aList) 4.23. Iterators and generators ============================== Testlet: iterators_and_generators from org.transcrypt.stubs.browser import __pragma__ class Iterable: def __init__ (self, i): self.aList = range (0, 50, i) def __iter__ (self): return Iterator (self) class Iterator: def __init__ (self, iterable): self.iterable = iterable self.index = -1 def __next__ (self): # Should be auto-wrapped in a next (self) by the compiler self.index += 1 if self.index > 5: raise StopIteration () return self.iterable.aList [self.index] def __iter__ (self): return self def exhaustableGenerator (i): for i in range (5): yield 2 * i def run (autoTester): exhaustableGenExp = (a * a * a for a in [10, 20, 30]) # Currently still converted to iterator on list comprehension, must also be iterable # So becomes py_iter (aList). # List already has an __iter__ which it will return, it's a __PyIterator__ # To that __PyIterator__, that will already have a __next__, py_iter first adds a next # So exhaustableGenExp is an iterator with a next and a __next__ # If we call iter on that, py_iter is calle again py_iter, on an object with a next and a next __next__ # For this reason py_iter needs a recursion prevention check iterables = [Iterable (7), exhaustableGenerator (5), [i * 3 for i in range (5)], exhaustableGenExp] for iterable in iterables: autoTester.check ('[1]') iterator = iter (iterable) try: while True: autoTester.check (next (iterator)) except Exception as exception: autoTester.check (exception.__class__.__name__) autoTester.check ('[2]') iterator = iter (iterable) try: while True: autoTester.check (next (iterator)) except Exception as exception: autoTester.check (exception.__class__.__name__) for iterable in iterables: autoTester.check ('[3]') for n in iterable: autoTester.check (n) autoTester.check ('[4]') for n in iterable: autoTester.check (n) # BEGIN issue 196: for loop over iter (), runs OK but needs JavaScript 6. This should be clearly in the docs. a = 0 vals = [1,2,3] ret = iter (vals) for m in ret: a += m autoTester.check (a) # END issue 196 # BEGIN 1st example with 'send' __pragma__ ('gsend') def test0 (): r = 0 while True: r = r + (yield r) gen0 = test0() next (gen0) autoTester.check (gen0.send (1)) autoTester.check (gen0.send (2)) def test1 (): r = 0 while True: r = (yield r) + r gen1 = test1() next (gen1) autoTester.check (gen1.send (3)) autoTester.check (gen1.send (4)) # END 1st example with 'send' def subGenerator (): yield 27 yield 37 yield 47 def mainGenerator (): yield 17 yield from subGenerator () yield 57 autoTester.check (* [i for i in mainGenerator ()]) def subCoroutine (): autoTester.check (38) yield autoTester.check (48) yield autoTester.check (58) yield autoTester.check (68) def mainCoroutine (): autoTester.check (18) yield autoTester.check (28) yield from subCoroutine () autoTester.check (78) yield autoTester.check (88) m = mainCoroutine () for i in range (5): m.send (None) 4.24. Lambda functions with all types of args ============================================= Testlet: lambda_functions def run (autoTester): z = 1000 autoTester.check ((lambda x, y: x + y + z) (111, 222)) def f (list0, list1, aFunc): return [aFunc (*elem) for elem in zip (list0, list1)] x = f (range (10), range (0, 100, 10), lambda x, y: x + y + z) autoTester.check (x) autoTester.check (f (range (10, 20), range (100, 200, 10), lambda x, y: x * y + 100 * z)) autoTester.check (f (range (10, 20), range (100, 200, 10), lambda *args: args [0] * args [1] + 100 * z)) 4.25. List comprehensions: multi-loop and nested with multiple if's =================================================================== Testlet: list_comprehensions def run (autoTester): squares = [i * i for i in range (10) if i % 2] autoTester.check (squares) tuples = [ (x, y, z) for x in (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700) for y in (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70) if 20 < y < 60 for z in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) if 200 < x < 600 if 2 < z < 6 ] autoTester.check (tuples) tricky = [(2 * x, 3 * y) for x, y in ((10, 11), (20, 21))] autoTester.check (tricky) nested = [2 * x for x in [x * x for x in range (3)]] autoTester.check (nested) a = 100 x = 5 scopeTest = [x + a for x in range (5)] autoTester.check (x) autoTester.check (scopeTest) 4.26. Local classes: inside other classes and functions ======================================================= Testlet: local_classes def run (autoTester): class A: class B: class C: def __init__ (self, x): self.x = x def tell (self): autoTester.check (self.x) autoTester.check (self.e) # Limitation: no destructuring assignment inside nested classes e = 3 def __init__ (self, x): self.x = x def tell (self): autoTester.check (self.x) autoTester.check (self.d) d = 2 c = 1 def __init__ (self, x): self.x = x def tell (self): autoTester.check (self.x) autoTester.check (self.c) def f (x): class G: class H: def __init__ (self, x): self.x = x def tell (self): autoTester.check (self.x) autoTester.check (self.i) i = 5 def __init__ (self, x): self.x = x def tell (self): autoTester.check (self.x) k = 4 g = G (6) g.tell () autoTester.check (g.k) h = G.H (7) h.tell () autoTester.check (h.i) class P (A.B): pass p = P (7) p.tell () autoTester.check (p.d) a = A (8) b = a.B (9) c = b.C (10) a.tell () b.tell () c.tell () autoTester.check (a.c) autoTester.check (b.d) f (7) 4.27. Metaclasses: overriding type.__new__ in a descendant metaclass ==================================================================== Testlet: metaclasses from org.transcrypt.stubs.browser import __pragma__ class UppercaserMeta (type): def __new__ (meta, name, bases, attribs): __pragma__ ('jsiter') # Translate for ... in directly to JavaScript for ... in ... and translate {} to bare {} rather than to dict {} # Using bare {} as attribs parameter to __new__ avoids dict attributes masking regular attributes # For more flexibility use __pragma__ ('js', '{}', '''...''') upperAttribs = {} for attribKey in attribs: # Translates to 'for (var attribKey in attribs)' by virtue of __pragma__ ('jsiter'), to iterate over the attributes of a bare JavaScript {} upperAttribs [attribKey if attribKey.startswith ('__') else attribKey.upper ()] = attribs [attribKey] __pragma__ ('nojsiter') return type.__new__ (meta, name, bases, upperAttribs) class Uppercaser (metaclass = UppercaserMeta): pass class Animal (Uppercaser): class Thoughts: quantity = 7 # Limitation: no destructuring assignment if metaclass has to alter attributes color = 'Brown' state = 'Moving' def move (self): return 'Move' class Plant (Uppercaser): class Thoughts: quantity = 6 color = 'Green' state = 'Growing' def grow (self): return 'Grow' class Stone: class Thoughts: quantity = 5 color = 'Gray' def be (self): return ('Being') def run (autoTester): animal = Animal () autoTester.check (animal.THOUGHTS.quantity, Animal.COLOR, animal.COLOR, animal.MOVE ()) plant = Plant () autoTester.check (plant.THOUGHTS.quantity, Plant.COLOR, plant.COLOR, plant.GROW ()) stone = Stone () autoTester.check (stone.Thoughts.quantity, Stone.color, stone.color, stone.be ()) 4.28. Method and class decorators ================================= Testlet: method_and_class_decorators from org.transcrypt.stubs.browser import __pragma__ def run (autoTester): class adecorator: __pragma__('kwargs') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs __pragma__('nokwargs') def __call__(self, func): __pragma__('kwargs') def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): slf = args[0] # replace and store the attributes saved = {} for k, v in self.kwargs.items(): if hasattr(slf, k): saved[k] = getattr(slf, k) setattr(slf, k, v) # call the method ret = func(*args, **kwargs) # put things back for k, v in saved.items(): setattr(slf, k, v) return ret __pragma__('nokwargs') return wrapper def method_decorator(prefix): def inner_decorator(method): def wrapper(self, name): autoTester.check(name) return method(self, prefix + name) return wrapper return inner_decorator def method_decorator2(prefix): def inner_decorator(method): def wrapper(self, name): autoTester.check(name) return method(self, prefix + name) return wrapper return inner_decorator def multiplier(m): def inner_decorator(method): def wrapper(self, num): autoTester.check(num) n = method(self, num) return n * m return wrapper return inner_decorator def classmethod_decorator(method): def wrapper(cls, a, b): autoTester.check(cls.__name__, a, b) return method(cls, b, a) return wrapper def class_decorator(prefix): def wrapper(cls): autoTester.check(prefix + cls.__name__) return cls return wrapper @class_decorator('outer_') class MyClass: @class_decorator('inner_') class InnerClass: @method_decorator('inner_first_') @method_decorator2('inner_second_') def mymethod(self, name): autoTester.check(name) @classmethod @classmethod_decorator def myclassmethod(cls, a, b): autoTester.check(cls.__name__, a, b) return a + b @staticmethod def mystaticmethod(a, b): autoTester.check(a, b) return a + b @property def inner_property(self): return 'I am a property' def __init__(self): self.greetings = 'Hello' __pragma__('opov') @adecorator(greetings='Goodbye') def get_greetings(self): return self.greetings __pragma__('noopov') @method_decorator('first_') @method_decorator2('second_') def mymethod(self, name): autoTester.check(name) @multiplier(5) def number(self, num): return num @classmethod def myclassmethod(cls, a, b): autoTester.check(cls.__name__, a, b) return a + b @staticmethod def mystaticmethod(a, b): autoTester.check(a + b) return a + b @property def simple_property(self): return self.greetings @simple_property.setter def simple_property(self, value): self.greetings = value def run(self): inner_obj = self.InnerClass() inner_obj.mymethod('Dog') result1 = inner_obj.myclassmethod('param1', 'param2') result2 = self.InnerClass.myclassmethod('param1', 'param2') autoTester.check(result1 == result2) result1 = inner_obj.mystaticmethod('param1', 'param2') result2 = self.InnerClass.mystaticmethod('param1', 'param2') autoTester.check(result1 == result2) autoTester.check(inner_obj.inner_property) myobj = MyClass() myobj.mymethod('Cat') autoTester.check(myobj.greetings) autoTester.check(myobj.get_greetings()) result1 = myobj.myclassmethod('param1', 'param2') result2 = MyClass.myclassmethod('param1', 'param2') autoTester.check(result1 == result2) result1 = myobj.mystaticmethod('param1', 'param2') result2 = MyClass.mystaticmethod('param1', 'param2') autoTester.check(result1 == result2) autoTester.check(myobj.number(3)) autoTester.check(myobj.simple_property) myobj.simple_property = 'New value' autoTester.check(myobj.simple_property) autoTester.check(myobj.greetings == myobj.simple_property) myobj.run() 4.29. Module builtin: a small part of it demo'ed ================================================ Testlet: module_builtin # coding: utf-8 from org.transcrypt.stubs.browser import __envir__ def canonizeString (aString): if __envir__.executor_name == 'transcrypt': return aString.replace ('\t', '\\t') .replace ('\n', '\\n') else: return aString def canonizeStringList (stringList): return [canonizeString (aString) for aString in stringList] def run (autoTester): autoTester.check ('min', min (-1.1, -1, -3)) autoTester.check ('max', max (-1.1, -1, -3)) autoTester.check ('abs', abs (-1), abs (1), abs (0), abs (-0.1), abs (0.1)) autoTester.check ('ord', ord ('a'), ord ('e´'[0])) # This is the 2 codepoint version autoTester.check ('round', round (4.006), round (4.006, 2), round (4060, -2), round (-4.006), round (-4.006, 2), round (-4060, -2), round (1/2.), round (1/2., 1), round (1/2, 1), round (1/3., 2), round (-1/2.), round (-1/2., 1), round (-1/2, 1), round (-1/3., 2), round (0.5), round (0.51), round (1.5), round (1.51), round (1.51), round (2.5), round (2.59), round (3.5), round (3.59), round (-0.5), round (-0.51), round (-1.5), round (-1.51), round (-1.51), round (-2.5), round (-2.59), round (-3.5), round (-3.59) ) strings = [ 'der des dem den die der den die das des dem das', 'an auf hinter ueber neben vor zwischen', ''' durch fuer ohne um bis gegen entlang ''', 'eins,zwei,drie,vier,fuenf,sechs,sieben' ] autoTester.check ('

split') for aString in strings: autoTester.check ( canonizeString (aString), canonizeStringList (aString.split ()), canonizeStringList (aString.split (' ')), canonizeStringList (aString.split (' ', 4)), canonizeStringList (aString.split ('\t')), canonizeStringList (aString.split ('\t', 4)), canonizeStringList (aString.split ('\n')), canonizeStringList (aString.split ('\n', 4)), canonizeStringList (aString.split (',')), canonizeStringList (aString.split (',', 4)), '
' ) autoTester.check ('
rsplit') for aString in strings: autoTester.check ( canonizeString (aString), canonizeStringList (aString.rsplit ()), canonizeStringList (aString.rsplit (' ')), canonizeStringList (aString.rsplit (' ', 4)), canonizeStringList (aString.rsplit ('\t')), canonizeStringList (aString.rsplit ('\t', 4)), canonizeStringList (aString.rsplit ('\n')), canonizeStringList (aString.rsplit ('\n', 4)), canonizeStringList (aString.rsplit (',')), canonizeStringList (aString.rsplit (',', 4)), '
' ) autoTester.check("".isalpha()) autoTester.check("123".isalpha()) autoTester.check("abc".isalpha()) autoTester.check("abc123".isalpha()) enumerate_list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] # JS does not have tuples so coerce to list of lists autoTester.check([list(item) for item in enumerate(enumerate_list)]) autoTester.check([list(item) for item in enumerate(enumerate_list, 1)]) autoTester.check([list(item) for item in enumerate(enumerate_list, start=2)]) replace_test = "abcabcabcabc" autoTester.check(replace_test.replace("c", "x")) autoTester.check(replace_test.replace("c", "x", -1)) autoTester.check(replace_test.replace("c", "x", 0)) autoTester.check(replace_test.replace("c", "x", 1)) autoTester.check(replace_test.replace("c", "x", 2)) autoTester.check(replace_test.replace("c", "x", 10)) autoTester.check(bin(42)) autoTester.check(oct(42)) autoTester.check(hex(42)) autoTester.check(bin(0)) autoTester.check(oct(0)) autoTester.check(hex(0)) autoTester.check(bin(-42)) autoTester.check(oct(-42)) autoTester.check(hex(-42)) string_test = "abcdefghijkl" autoTester.check(string_test.startswith("")) autoTester.check(string_test.startswith("abcd")) autoTester.check(string_test.startswith("efgh")) autoTester.check(string_test.startswith("efgh", 2)) autoTester.check(string_test.startswith("efgh", 4)) autoTester.check(string_test.startswith("abcd", 0, 3)) autoTester.check(string_test.startswith("abcd", 0, 5)) autoTester.check(string_test.startswith("efgh", 4, -2)) autoTester.check(string_test.startswith("efgh", 4, -6)) autoTester.check(string_test.startswith(("abc",))) autoTester.check(string_test.startswith(("abc", "de", "gh"))) autoTester.check(string_test.startswith(("abc", "de", "gh"), 2)) autoTester.check(string_test.startswith(("abc", "de", "gh"), 3)) autoTester.check(string_test.startswith(("abc", "defgh"), 3, 9)) autoTester.check(string_test.startswith(("abc", "defgh"), 3, 6)) autoTester.check(string_test.endswith("")) autoTester.check(string_test.endswith("ijkl")) autoTester.check(string_test.endswith("efgh")) autoTester.check(string_test.endswith("efgh", 2)) autoTester.check(string_test.endswith("abcd", 0, 3)) autoTester.check(string_test.endswith("abcd", 0, 4)) autoTester.check(string_test.endswith("efgh", 4, -2)) autoTester.check(string_test.endswith("efgh", 4, -4)) autoTester.check(string_test.endswith(("ijkl",))) autoTester.check(string_test.endswith(("abc", "de", "gh"))) autoTester.check(string_test.endswith(("abc", "de", "gh"), 3, -4)) autoTester.check(string_test.endswith(("abc", "de", "gh"), -6, -4)) autoTester.check(string_test.endswith(("abc", "defgh"), -3, 8)) autoTester.check(string_test.endswith(("abc", "defgh"), -9, 8)) 4.30. Module cmath: almost all of Python's cmath module ======================================================= Testlet: module_cmath from org.transcrypt.stubs.browser import __pragma__ from cmath import * twoPi = 2 * pi nDecs = 5 __pragma__ ('opov') def run (autoTester): autoTester.check (phase (1 + 1j)) aPolar = polar (3 + 5j) autoTester.check (round (aPolar [0], nDecs), aPolar [1]) aRect = rect (*aPolar) autoTester.check (round (aRect.real), round (aRect.imag)) anExp = exp (-2.2 - 3.3j) autoTester.check (round (anExp.real, nDecs), round (anExp.imag, nDecs)) aLog = log (anExp) autoTester.check (round (aLog.real, nDecs), round (aLog.imag, nDecs)) anExp10 = aLog ** 10 autoTester.check (round (anExp10.real, nDecs), round (anExp10.imag, nDecs)) aLog10 = log10 (anExp10) autoTester.check (round (aLog10.real, nDecs), round (aLog10.imag, nDecs)) anExpRect = aLog ** aRect autoTester.check (round (anExpRect.real, nDecs), round (anExpRect.imag, nDecs)) aLogRect = log (anExpRect, aRect) autoTester.check (round (aLogRect.real, nDecs), round (aLogRect.imag, nDecs)) aSqrt = sqrt (1j) autoTester.check (round (aSqrt.real, nDecs), round (aSqrt.imag, nDecs)) autoTester.check (sqrt (4)) anotherSqrt = sqrt (-4) autoTester.check (round (anotherSqrt.real), round (anotherSqrt.imag)) anAsin = asin (1 + 2j) autoTester.check (round (anAsin.real, nDecs), round (anAsin.imag, nDecs)) anAcos = acos (-2 + 3j) autoTester.check (round (anAcos.real, nDecs), round (anAcos.imag, nDecs)) anAtan = atan (3 - 4j) autoTester.check (round (anAtan.real, nDecs), round (anAtan.imag, nDecs)) aSin = sin (anAsin) autoTester.check (round (aSin.real), round (aSin.imag)) aCos = cos (anAcos) autoTester.check (round (aCos.real), round (aCos.imag)) aTan = tan (anAtan) autoTester.check (round (aTan.real), round (aTan.imag)) anAsinh = asinh (aCos) autoTester.check (round (anAsinh.real, nDecs), round (anAsinh.imag, nDecs)) anAcosh = acosh (aSin) autoTester.check (round (anAcosh.real, nDecs), round (anAcosh.imag, nDecs)) anAtanh = atanh (aTan) autoTester.check (round (anAtanh.real, nDecs), round (anAtanh.imag, nDecs)) aSinh = sinh (anAsinh) autoTester.check (round (aSinh.real), round (aSinh.imag)) aCosh = cosh (anAcosh) autoTester.check (round (aCosh.real), round (aCosh.imag)) aTanh = tanh (anAtanh) autoTester.check (round (aTanh.real), round (aTanh.imag)) 4.31. Module datetime: transcryption of Python's datetime module ================================================================ Testlet: module_datetime from datetime import date, timedelta, datetime, timezone # __pragma__('opov') def fix_time (dt): if dt.hour > 23: dt = dt - timedelta (minutes=60) if dt.minute > 50: dt = dt - timedelta (minutes=10) return dt def run (autoTester): # timezone tz = timezone.utc autoTester.check (repr (tz)) tz2 = timezone (timedelta (hours=-5), 'EST') autoTester.check (repr (tz2)) now = fix_time (datetime.utcnow ()) now2 = fix_time (datetime.now (timezone.utc)) autoTester.check (now.day == now2.day) autoTester.check (now.hour == now2.hour) autoTester.check (now.replace (tzinfo=timezone.utc).astimezone (tz=None).hour) # timedelta delta = timedelta (days=8, minutes=15, microseconds=685) delta2 = timedelta (days=8, minutes=15, microseconds=684) autoTester.check (delta) autoTester.check (delta2) # timedelta comparisons autoTester.check (delta == delta2) autoTester.check (delta > delta2) autoTester.check (delta < delta2) # date d = date (2017, 5, 5) autoTester.check (d.day) d = date.today () autoTester.check (d) autoTester.check (d.day) autoTester.check (d.weekday ()) autoTester.check (d.isoweekday ()) # !!! autoTester.check (d.isocalendar ()) Format changed in Python 3.9! # Autotest: module_datetime/__init__.py:45 datetime.IsoCalendarDate(year=2021, week=19, weekday=5) (2021, 19, 5) module_datetime.js:108 autoTester.check (d.ctime ()) d = d.replace (day=28) autoTester.check (d.day) autoTester.check (d.strftime ('%Y.%m.%d')) autoTester.check (d.ctime ()) autoTester.check (d.isoformat ()) # date comparisons d2 = d + delta d3 = d2 - delta autoTester.check (d) autoTester.check (d2) autoTester.check (d3) autoTester.check (d == d3) autoTester.check (d > d3) autoTester.check (d < d3) autoTester.check (d == d2) autoTester.check (d > d2) autoTester.check (d < d2) # datetime now = fix_time (datetime.now ()) autoTester.check (now.day) autoTester.check (now.hour) autoTester.check ((now + timedelta (days=2)).day) d = datetime (2010, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc) autoTester.check (d) d = datetime (2017, 9, 19, 15, 43, 8, 142) autoTester.check (d) autoTester.check (d - timedelta (minutes=150)) d = datetime.strptime ('2017-03-14 15:28:14', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') autoTester.check (d) autoTester.check (d.strftime ('%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S')) d = d + timedelta (hours=5, minutes=18, seconds=25) autoTester.check (d.strftime ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) d = d.replace (year=2016, month=1) autoTester.check (d.ctime ()) autoTester.check (d.isoformat ()) autoTester.check (d.date ()) autoTester.check (d.time ()) # named tuples not supported, need to convert autoTester.check (tuple (d.timetuple ())) autoTester.check (tuple (d.utctimetuple ())) # datetime comparisons d2 = d + delta d3 = d2 - delta autoTester.check (d) autoTester.check (d2) autoTester.check (d3) autoTester.check (d == d3) autoTester.check (d > d3) autoTester.check (d < d3) autoTester.check (d == d2) autoTester.check (d > d2) autoTester.check (d < d2) 4.32. Module itertools: almost all of Python's itertools module =============================================================== Testlet: module_itertools from itertools import * from math import pow def fibonacci(): a, b = 0, 1 for i in range (10): yield a a, b = b, a + b squares = [i * i for i in range (10)] chars = 'thequickbrownfoxjumpsoverthelazydog' def run (autoTester): autoTester.check ('islice count', list (islice (count (10, 2), 4, 40, 3))) autoTester.check ('islice cycle', list (islice (cycle (fibonacci ()), 15))) autoTester.check ('repeat', list (repeat (3.14, 15))) autoTester.check ('islice repeat', list (islice (repeat (2.74), 15))) autoTester.check ('accumulate', list (accumulate (range (5)))) def add (total, element): return total + element autoTester.check ('accumulate', list (accumulate (['alamak', 'mirach', 'sirrah'], add))) autoTester.check ('chain', list (chain (fibonacci (), squares, chars))) autoTester.check ('chain.from_iterable', list (chain.from_iterable (['ape', 'node', 'mice', 'vim', 'sus', 'jet']))) selectors = [True, True, False, True, False, False, True, True, False, True] autoTester.check ('compress', list (compress ( ['{}{}'.format (('take' if selector else 'leave'), index) for index, selector in enumerate (selectors)], selectors ))) autoTester.check ('dropwhile', list (dropwhile (lambda x: x < 5, [1, 4, 6, 4, 1]))) autoTester.check ('filterfalse', list (filterfalse (lambda x: x % 2, range (10)))) things = [('animal', 'bear'), ('animal', 'duck'), ('plant', 'cactus'), ('vehicle', 'speed boat'), ('vehicle', 'school bus')] for key, group in groupby (things, lambda x: x [0]): for thing in group: autoTester.check ('A {} is a {}.' .format (thing[1], key)) autoTester.check (' ') autoTester.check ('islice', list (islice ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], 2, 9, 2))) autoTester.check ('starmap', [int (x) for x in starmap (pow, [(2, 5), (3, 2), (10, 3)])]) autoTester.check ('takewhile', list (takewhile (lambda x: x < 5, [1, 4, 6, 4, 1]))) i1, i2 = tee (islice (count (), 5)) autoTester.check ('tee', list (i1), list (i1), list (i2)) autoTester.check ('product', list (product ('ABCD', 'xy')), list (product (range (2), repeat = 3))) autoTester.check ('permutations', list (permutations ('ABCD')), list (permutations ('ABCD', 2))) autoTester.check ('combinations', list (combinations ('ABCD', 2)), list (combinations ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 3)), list (combinations (islice (count (), 6), 4)) ) autoTester.check ('combinations_with_replacement', list (combinations_with_replacement ('ABCD', 2)), list (combinations_with_replacement ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 3)), list (combinations_with_replacement (islice (count (), 6), 4)) ) 4.33. Module math: almost all of Python's math module ===================================================== Testlet: module_math from math import * def _check(nr, autoTester): # we just compare the first 15 digits of floats due to precision deviations # in browser and CPython: if isinstance(nr, float): nr = str(nr)[:15] autoTester.check(nr) def run (autoTester): check = lambda nr: _check(nr, autoTester) check (pi) check (e) check (exp (3)) check (int (expm1 (5))) check (log (0.2)) check (round (log (1024, 2))) check (log1p (5)) check (int (log2 (257))) check (int (log10 (1001))) check (pow (3, 4.5)) check (sqrt (25.1)) check (sin (10)) check (cos (10)) check (tan (10)) check (asin (0.5)) check (acos (0.5)) check (atan (0.5)) check (atan2 (1, 2)) check (int (hypot (3, 4.1))) check (degrees (pi/2.1)) check (radians (90)) check (sinh (1)) check (cosh (1)) check (tan (1)) check (asinh (70)) check (acosh (70)) check (atan (70)) check (floor (3.5)) check (ceil (3.5)) check (trunc (3.5)) check (isnan (3)) check (isnan (nan)) 4.34. Module random: most important functions of Python's random module ======================================================================= Manual_test: module_random from random import * result = '' def output (any): result += any + '
\n' for fixedSeed in (False, True): if fixedSeed: seed (3) else: seed () output ('------ {} ------'.format ('fixed seed' if fixedSeed else 'auto seed')) output ('--- randint in [10, 20] ---') for i in range (20): output (randint (10, 20)) output ('
\n--- choice ---') for i in range (20): output (choice ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])) output ('
\n--- random ---') for i in range (20): output (random ()) output ('
\n--- shuffle ---') aList = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] output (aList) for i in range (7): shuffle (aList) output (aList) output ('
\n') document.getElementById ('output') .innerHTML = result 4.35. Module re: transcryption of Python's re module ==================================================== Testlet: re/autotest import org.transcrypt.autotester import basic_pyre import basic_jsre autoTester = org.transcrypt.autotester.AutoTester () autoTester.run (basic_jsre, 'Basic JS RE Tests') autoTester.run (basic_pyre, 'Basic Python RE Tests') autoTester.done () Testlet: re/basictests from org.transcrypt.stubs.browser import __pragma__, __symbols__, __envir__ import re __pragma__("skip") re.J = (1<<19) re.JSSTRICT = re.J def convertMappingDict(mdict): """ This method converts a mapping proxy object to a dict object. mapping proxies create read-only dicts but we don't have that concept in transcrypt yet. """ ret = {} for k in mdict.keys(): ret[k] = mdict[k] return(ret) __pragma__("noskip") testStr1 = "There,is,No,Time" testStr2 = "som[23] In[23423] the[34].asd[934].234." testStr3 = "s(43) d(03) asdfasd dsfsd(3) sd" testStr4 = "Were an apple like an orange then apple orange no appleorange" def checkMatchProperties(test, flags = 0): """ This test checks that properties on the match are reported correctly, and that they are read-only """ result = re.search(",", testStr1, flags) if ( result is not None ): test.check( result.pos ) test.check( result.endpos ) test.check( result.group() ) test.check( result.group(0) ) test.check( result.string ) # Check readonly props of match def assignPos(): result.pos = 1 test.check(test.expectException(assignPos)) def assignEndPos(): result.endpos = 1 test.check(test.expectException(assignEndPos)) def assignRe(): result.re = "asdfasdf" test.check(test.expectException(assignRe)) def assignStr(): result.string = "asdf" test.check(test.expectException(assignStr)) def assignLastGroup(): result.lastgroup = "asdfasdf" test.check(test.expectException(assignLastGroup)) def assignLastIndex(): result.lastindex = 33 test.check(test.expectException(assignLastIndex)) else: test.checkPad("NULL", 11) def checkRegexProperties(test, flags = 0): """ This test checks that the appropriate properties exist on the Regex object and that these properties are read-only. """ r = re.compile(",", flags) if ( r is not None ): test.check( r.groups ) test.check( r.pattern ) test.check( r.flags ) d = r.groupindex __pragma__('skip') d = convertMappingDict(d) __pragma__('noskip') test.check( d ) # Check Read-only props on regex object def assignPattern(): r.pattern = "asdfasdf" test.check( test.expectException(assignPattern) ) def assignFlags(): r.flags = "wer" test.check( test.expectException(assignFlags) ) def assignGroups(): r.groups = 1 test.check( test.expectException(assignGroups) ) def assignGroupIndex(): r.groupindex = 34 test.check( test.expectException(assignGroupIndex) ) else: test.checkPad("NULL", 8) def aValue (flag): # Workaround for Python 3.6 enums result = flag.value return result if result else flag def checkFlagsExist(test): test.check(aValue(re.T)) test.check(aValue(re.I)) test.check(aValue(re.IGNORECASE)) test.check(aValue(re.M)) test.check(aValue(re.MULTILINE)) test.check(aValue(re.S)) test.check(aValue(re.DOTALL)) test.check(aValue(re.U)) test.check(aValue(re.UNICODE)) test.check(aValue(re.X)) test.check(aValue(re.VERBOSE)) test.check(aValue(re.A)) test.check(aValue(re.ASCII)) def escapeTests(test): test.check(re.escape("buf[34]")) test.check(re.escape("C:\\asdf\\wewer\\")) test.check(re.escape("func(int a) { return(3)};")) def checkIgnoreCase(test, flags = 0): test.check( re.search("as", testStr3, flags|re.I).pos ) test.check( re.search("as", testStr3, flags|re.I).endpos ) test.check( re.search("as", testStr3, flags|re.I).group() ) test.check( re.search("as", testStr3, flags|re.I).group(0) ) test.check( re.search("AS", testStr3, flags|re.I).pos ) test.check( re.search("AS", testStr3, flags|re.I).endpos ) test.check( re.search("AS", testStr3, flags|re.I).group() ) test.check( re.search("AS", testStr3, flags|re.I).group(0) ) def checkSearchWithGroups(test, flags = 0): r = "\\[([\\d]+)\\]" test.check( re.compile(r, flags).groups ) test.check( re.search(r, testStr2, flags).pos) test.check( re.search(r, testStr2, flags).endpos) test.check( re.search(r, testStr2, flags).groups()) test.check( re.search(r, testStr2, flags).group()) test.checkEval(lambda: re.search(r, testStr2, flags).group(0)) test.checkEval(lambda: re.search(r, testStr2, flags).group(1)) test.check( re.search(r, testStr2, flags).start()) test.checkEval(lambda: re.search(r, testStr2, flags).start(0)) test.checkEval(lambda: re.search(r, testStr2, flags).start(1)) test.check( re.search(r, testStr2, flags).end()) test.checkEval(lambda: re.search(r, testStr2, flags).end(0)) test.checkEval(lambda: re.search(r, testStr2, flags).end(1)) test.check( re.search(r, testStr2, flags).span()) test.checkEval(lambda: re.search(r, testStr2, flags).span(0)) test.checkEval(lambda: re.search(r, testStr2, flags).span(1)) test.check( re.search(r, testStr2, flags).lastgroup) test.check( re.search(r, testStr2, flags).lastindex) for i in range(2,50): test.check( test.expectException(lambda: re.search(',', testStr1, flags).group(i)) ) def checkMatchOps(test, flags = 0): test.check( re.match("asdf", "asdf", flags).pos ) test.check( re.match(r"asdf", "asdf", flags).endpos ) test.check( re.match("asdf", "asdf", flags).groups() ) test.check( re.match("a", "asdf", flags).pos ) test.check( re.match("a", "asdf", flags).endpos ) test.check( re.match("a", "asdf", flags).groups() ) test.check( (re.match("s", "asdf", flags) is None) ) test.check( (re.match(r"^s", "asdf", flags) is None) ) test.check( (re.compile("^s", flags).match("asdf", 1) is None) ) def checkMatchWithNamedGroups(test, flags = 0): """ """ # Matches with named groups r = None try: r = re.compile(r"(?P[a-zA-Z]+)://(?P[^/]*)", flags) except Exception as exc: test.checkPad(None, 15) if ( r is not None ): test.check(r.groups) test.check(r.pattern) d = r.groupindex __pragma__('skip') d = convertMappingDict(d) __pragma__('noskip') test.check( d ) m = r.match("http://asdf") test.check( m.groups() ) test.check( m.group() ) test.check( m.group(0) ) test.check( m.group(1) ) test.check( m.group("prefix") ) test.check( m.group("suffix") ) m = r.match("") test.check( m.group() ) test.check( m.group(0) ) test.check( m.group(1) ) test.check( m.group("prefix") ) test.check( m.group("suffix") ) m = r.match("555-5555") test.check(m) try: r = re.compile(r"(?P\d{1,3})-(?P\d{3})-(?P\d{3}-\d{4})", flags) except: test.checkPad(None, 13) if ( r is not None ): test.check(r.groups) test.check(r.pattern) d = r.groupindex __pragma__('skip') d = convertMappingDict(d) __pragma__('noskip') test.check( d ) m = r.match("1-234-567-9012") test.check(m.groups()) test.check(m.group()) test.check(m.group(0)) test.check(m.group(1)) test.check(m.group(2)) test.check(m.group(3)) test.check( m.group("country") ) test.check( m.group("areacode") ) test.check( m.group("number") ) m = r.match("adfs;") test.check(m) def checkMatchWithGroups(test, flags = 0): rgx = re.compile(r'(\w)(\w)(\w)?', flags) test.check(rgx.pattern) test.check(rgx.groups) m = rgx.match('abc') if m: test.check(m.group(0)) test.check(m.group(1)) test.check(m.group(1, 2)) test.check(m.group(2, 1)) else: test.checkPad(None, 4) # groups() with default value m = rgx.match('ab') if m: test.check(m.groups(0)) else: test.checkPad(None, 1) # Match with group that is non-captured rgx = re.compile(r'(?:[\w\s]+)\[(\d+)\]', flags) test.check(rgx.pattern) test.check(rgx.groups) m = rgx.match("asdf[23]") if m: test.check( m.groups() ) test.check( m.group(0) ) test.check( m.group(1) ) test.check( test.expectException( lambda: m.group(2) ) ) else: test.checkPad(None, 4) def checkCommentGroup(test, flags = 0): """ Comment Groups are only supported in Python so will likely fail in javascript only mode """ r = None try: r = re.compile(r'a(?#foobar)b', flags) except: test.checkPad(None,4) if ( r is not None ): test.check(r.groups) test.check(r.pattern) test.check(r.search("ab").group()) test.check(r.search("er")) try: r = re.compile(r'([\d]+)(?#blarg)\[\]', flags) except: test.checkPad(None, 4) return test.check( r.groups ) test.check( r.pattern ) test.check( r.search("1234[]").group()) test.check( r.search("asdf[]")) def checkFullMatchOps(test, flags = 0): test.check( (re.fullmatch("asdf", "asdf", flags).pos)) test.check( (re.fullmatch("asdf", "asdf", flags).endpos)) test.check( (re.fullmatch("as", "asdf", flags) is None)) test.check( (re.fullmatch("q", "asdf", flags) is None)) test.check( (re.compile("o[gh]", flags).fullmatch("dog") is None)) test.check( (re.compile("o[gh]", flags).fullmatch("ogre") is None)) m = re.compile("o[gh]", flags).fullmatch("doggie",1,3) if m: test.check(m.pos) test.check(m.endpos) else: test.checkPad(None,2) def checkFindAllOps(test, flags = 0): test.check(re.findall(",", testStr1, flags)) # No Caps test.check(re.findall("\\[([\\d]+)\\]", testStr2, flags)) # 1 Cap r = "([^\d\s]+\\(([\d]+)\\))" test.check(re.compile(r, flags).groups) test.check(re.findall(r, testStr3, flags)) # 2 Caps def checkSplitOps(test, flags = 0): test.check(re.split(",", testStr1, 0, flags)) test.check(re.split("(apple|orange)",testStr4, 0, flags)) test.check(re.split("\\[([\\d]+)\\]", testStr2, 0, flags)) r = re.compile(",", flags) test.check(r.split(testStr1, 0)) test.check(r.split(testStr1, 1)) test.check(r.split(testStr1, 2)) test.check(r.split(testStr1, 3)) test.check(r.split(testStr1, 4)) r = re.compile("\\[([\\d]+)\\]", flags) test.check(r.split(testStr2,0)) test.check(r.split(testStr2,1)) test.check(r.split(testStr2,2)) test.check(r.split(testStr2,3)) test.check(r.split(testStr2,4)) def checkSubOps(test, flags = 0): def dashrepl(matchobj): if matchobj.group(0) == '-': return ' ' else: return '-' test.check(re.sub('-{1,2}', dashrepl, 'pro----gram-files',0, flags)) test.check(re.sub('-{1,2}', '4', 'pro----gram-files',0, flags)) test.check(re.subn('-{1,2}', dashrepl, 'pro----gram-files',0,flags)) test.check(re.subn('-{1,2}', '4', 'pro----gram-files',0,flags)) def checkSyntaxErrors(test, flags = 0): test.check(test.expectException( lambda: re.compile(r')', flags))) test.check(test.expectException( lambda: re.compile("a\\", flags))) test.check(test.expectException( lambda: re.compile(r'a[b', flags))) test.check(test.expectException( lambda: re.compile(r'(abc', flags))) test.check(test.expectException( lambda: re.compile(r')(', flags))) test.check(test.expectException( lambda: re.compile(r'))', flags))) test.check(test.expectException( lambda: re.compile(r'a[b-a]', flags))) test.check(test.expectException( lambda: re.compile(r'*a', flags))) def checkFindIter(test, flags = 0): """ Test the finditer method """ p = "\\[([\\d]+)\\]" r = re.compile(p, flags) test.check( r.groups ) iret = r.finditer(testStr2) for m in iret: test.check(m.pos) test.check(m.endpos) test.check(m.string) test.check(m.lastindex) test.check(m.groups()) test.check(m.group(0)) test.check(m.group(1)) test.check(test.expectException( lambda: m.group(2) )) test.check(test.expectException( lambda: m.group(2342))) test.check(test.expectException( lambda: m.group("asdf"))) test.check(m.start(0)) test.check(m.start(1)) test.check(test.expectException( lambda: m.start("asdf"))) test.check(m.end(0)) test.check(m.end(1)) test.check(test.expectException( lambda: m.end("asdf"))) def checkWithFlags(test, flags = 0): """ This checks the regex with flags called out in the string, for example (?i) for ignore case. This is a python only feature. """ try: r = re.compile(r'(?i)aba', flags) except: test.checkPad(None, 5) return test.check(r.groups) test.check(r.pattern) m = r.search("aBA") test.check(m.group() ) test.check(m.groups()) m = r.match("aAa") test.check(m) m = r.match("ABA") test.check(m.group()) m = r.match("abA") test.check(m.group()) def checkConditionalGroups(test, flags = 0): """ Check conditional groups - this is a python only feature - will likely faily in the js strict mode """ rgx = None try: rgx = re.compile(r'(a)?(b)?(?(1)a|c)(?(2)b)', flags) except: test.checkPad(None, 12) if ( rgx is not None ): # test.check(rgx.groups) # !!! @JdeH temporarily disabled this test.check(rgx.pattern) test.checkEval(lambda: rgx.match('abab').group()) test.checkEval(lambda: rgx.match('aa').group()) test.checkEval(lambda: rgx.match('bcb').group()) test.checkEval(lambda: rgx.match('c').group()) test.checkEval(lambda: rgx.match('abcb')) # PyRegex needs to use n_splits from `translate` for this to work # test.checkEval(lambda: rgx.match('c').groups()) # !!! @JdeH temporarily disabled this # test.checkEval(lambda: rgx.split("ababbababcdjsabbabdbab")) # !!! @JdeH temporarily disabled this test.checkEval(lambda: rgx.sub("jumbo", "ababsdf rexababwer")) test.checkEval(lambda: rgx.sub("shrimp", "shipbcb shootc aardvark")) # test.checkEval(lambda: rgx.findall("ababxaaxcebbcxababeded")) # !!! @JdeH temporarily disabled this try: rgx = re.compile(r'(a)?(b)?(?(1)a|c)(?(2)b|d)', flags) except: test.checkPad(None, 6) return # test.check(rgx.groups) # !!! @JdeH temporarily disabled this test.check(rgx.pattern) test.checkEval(lambda: rgx.match('abab').group()) test.checkEval(lambda: rgx.match('aad').group()) test.checkEval(lambda: rgx.match('bcb').group()) test.checkEval(lambda: rgx.match('bcb').group()) Testlet: re/basic_pyre # File: basic_pyre.py # # This file contains the basic regex tests run on the # python translated regex expressions. # from org.transcrypt.stubs.browser import __pragma__ import re from basictests import * def run (test): """ basic tests of the re engine. The point is to exercise most of the methods to make sure they behave as expected. These tests are expected to provide exhaustive coverage of the regex engine. """ checkFlagsExist(test) escapeTests(test) checkMatchProperties(test) checkRegexProperties(test) checkIgnoreCase(test) checkSearchWithGroups(test) checkMatchOps(test) checkMatchWithGroups(test) # checkMatchWithNamedGroups(test) # !!! @JdeH temporarily disabled this checkFullMatchOps(test) checkFindAllOps(test) checkSplitOps(test) checkSubOps(test) checkSyntaxErrors(test) checkConditionalGroups(test) checkCommentGroup(test) checkWithFlags(test) checkFindIter(test) Testlet: re/basictests from org.transcrypt.stubs.browser import __pragma__ import re __pragma__("skip") re.J = (1<<19) re.JSSTRICT = re.J __pragma__("noskip") from basictests import * def run (test): """ basic tests of the re engine. The point is to exercise most of the methods to make sure they behave as expected. These tests are expected to provide exhaustive coverage of the regex engine. """ checkFlagsExist(test) escapeTests(test) checkMatchProperties(test, re.JSSTRICT) checkRegexProperties(test, re.JSSTRICT) checkIgnoreCase(test, re.JSSTRICT) checkSearchWithGroups(test, re.JSSTRICT) checkMatchOps(test, re.JSSTRICT) checkMatchWithGroups(test, re.JSSTRICT) #checkMatchWithNamedGroups(test, re.JSSTRICT) checkFullMatchOps(test, re.JSSTRICT) checkFindAllOps(test, re.JSSTRICT) checkSplitOps(test, re.JSSTRICT) checkSubOps(test, re.JSSTRICT) checkSyntaxErrors(test, re.JSSTRICT) #checkConditionalGroups(test, re.JSSTRICT) #checkCommentGroup(test, re.JSSTRICT) #checkWithFlags(test, re.JSSTRICT) checkFindIter(test, re.JSSTRICT) 4.36. Module time: transcryption of Python's time module ======================================================== Testlet: time/testlet0 import org.transcrypt.autotester import testlet0, strptime, mult_time autoTester = org.transcrypt.autotester.AutoTester () autoTester.run (testlet0, 'testlet0') autoTester.run (strptime, 'strptime') autoTester.run (mult_time, 'mult_time') autoTester.done () Testlet: time/testlet0 ''' general functions ''' import time ts = 1468968009.638596 # a test timestamp hy = 6 * 30 * 86400 # around half a year # accommodate the offset between python and transcrypt run: def run (autoTester): c = autoTester.check # rounding this one much, since test res is not updated when code not # changes (?) c('time():' , int(time.time() / 1000)) c('altzone:' , time.altzone) c('timelen:' , len(str(int(time.time())))) c('localtime:' , list(time.localtime(ts))) c('ltime_no_dst:' , list(time.localtime(ts + hy))) c('gmtime:' , list(time.gmtime(ts))) c('daylight:' , bool(time.daylight)) c('timezone:' , time.timezone) # c('tzname:' , time.tzname) # Won't work under Windows 10, since it mixes up CET/CEST and WET/WEST and names CEST deviantly. # more tests in other testlests Testlet: time/mult_time ''' testing strftime. ''' import time def run (autoTester): t = [2000, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0] def check(fmt): s = time.mktime(tuple(t)) autoTester.check('gmtime' , tuple(time.gmtime(int(s)))) autoTester.check('localtime', tuple(time.localtime(int(s)))) autoTester.check('mktime' , int(s)) autoTester.check('ctime' , int(s)) for hour in (0, 1, 12, 14, 23): t[3] = hour for f in ( '%p %I.%d.%Y' ,'%b .%d.%y' ,'%b .%d.%Y' ,'%d%m%Y%H:%M:%S%p' ,'%b .%d.%Y' ,'M%m.%d.%Y' ,'%m.%d.%Y' ,'%m.%d.%Y' ,'%b .%d.%Y' ,'%m.%d.%Y' ,'%B %d.%Y' ,'%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y' ,'%d.%m.%Y %I:%M:%S%p' ,'%a%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y' ,'%a%b%d %H:%M:%S %Y' ,'%a%b%d%H:%Mx%S%Y' ,'%a%b%d%H:%Mxx%S%Y' ,'%a%b%d%H:%Mxx%S%Y +000' ,' %a%b%d%H:%Mxx%S%Y +000 ' ): check(f) autoTester.check('asctime', t) Testlet: time/strptime ''' testing strptime. Note, Py3 bug: while true; do python3.5 -c "import time; print(tuple(time.strptime('nov 1.1.1900', '%b %m.%d.%Y')))" done => we simply cannot test conflicting %b %m switches, it decides per run which one it takes(!!!), so autotest would fail randomly. Verified with 3.4, 3.5 on mac and linux. Root cause explained here: https://github.com/JdeH/Transcrypt/issues/85 ''' import time # Note: The localized names for months and weekdays assumed to be english here. # And the js implementation takes the names of the locale. That may fail the # tests in other areas of the world. tried with export LANG other locales but # did not get an error though. # In any case the Js implementation of the checking the weekdays and monthnames # should be safe. def run (autoTester): def check(t, fmt): s = tuple(time.strptime(t, fmt)) autoTester.check(' '.join([t, '[', fmt, '] = ']), s) check('jan .1.1902' , '%b .%d.%Y') check('3112199912:00:00pm' , '%d%m%Y%H:%M:%S%p') check('FEb .1.1902' , '%b .%d.%Y') check('M1.1.1901' , 'M%m.%d.%Y') check('2.1.1900' , '%m.%d.%Y') check('6.1.2000' , '%m.%d.%Y') check('nov .1.1900' , '%b .%d.%Y') check('2.1.1900' , '%m.%d.%Y') check('december 1.1999' , '%B %d.%Y') check('Tue Jul 18 19:32:11 2016' , '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y') check('31.12.1999 12:00:00pm' , '%d.%m.%Y %I:%M:%S%p') check('TueJul 18 19:32:11 2016' , '%a%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y') check('TueJul18 19:32:11 2016' , '%a%b%d %H:%M:%S %Y') check('TueJul1819:32x112016' , '%a%b%d%H:%Mx%S%Y') check('TueJul1819:32xx112016' , '%a%b%d%H:%Mxx%S%Y') 4.37. Modules: hierarchical, both local to the project and global url-based =========================================================================== Testlet: modules import modules.mod1.mod11.mod111 import modules.mod3 import modules.mod1.mod11.mod112 import modules.mod1 import modules.mod1.mod11 import modules.mod2 import modules.mod2.mod21 import modules.mod2.mod22 import modules.mod1.mod11.mod111 as aliasMod111 import modules.mod1 as aMod1 from modules.mod1.mod11 import mod111, mod112 from modules.mod2 import mod21 as aMod21, mod22 as aMod22 from modules.mod3 import * from modules.mod1.mod11.mod111 import A from modules import mod4 a = modules.mod1.mod11.mod111.A (12345) pi = modules.mod1.pi f = modules.mod2.f def run (autoTester): # Import without 'as' autoTester.check ('modules') autoTester.check (a.f ()) autoTester.check (modules.mod1.mod11.mod112.f ()) autoTester.check (modules.mod1.mod11.e) autoTester.check (pi) autoTester.check (f (102030)) autoTester.check (modules.mod2.mod21.f ()) B = modules.mod2.mod22.B b = B () autoTester.check (b.x) autoTester.check (modules.mod3.x) # Import with 'as' a2 = aliasMod111.A (6789101112) autoTester.check (a2.f ()) autoTester.check (aMod1.pi) # From ... import without 'as' a3 = mod111.A (100.001) autoTester.check (a3.f ()) autoTester.check (mod112.f ()) # From ... import with 'as' autoTester.check (aMod21.f ()) autoTester.check (aMod22.B () .x) # From ... import * autoTester.check (mod3Hundred) autoTester.check (mod3GetTwoHundred ()) autoTester.check (A (123.321) .f ()) # Circular import (between mod4 and mod5) autoTester.check(mod4.mod4Add2FromMod5(449)) 4.38. Nonlocals =============== Testlet: nonlocals def run (autoTester): test1 = 1 test2 = 2 def f (): test1 = 10 nonlocal test2 test2 = 20 autoTester.check (test1, test2) f () autoTester.check (test1, test2) 4.39. Operator overloading ========================== Testlet: operator_overloading from org.transcrypt.stubs.browser import __pragma__ class Matrix: def __init__ (self, nRows, nCols, elements = []): self.nRows = nRows self.nCols = nCols if len (elements): self._ = elements else: self._ = [[0 for col in range (nCols)] for row in range (nRows)] def __matmul__ (self, other): result = Matrix (self.nRows, other.nCols) for iTargetRow in range (result.nRows): for iTargetCol in range (result.nCols): for iTerm in range (self.nCols): result._ [iTargetRow][iTargetCol] += self._ [iTargetRow][iTerm] * other._ [iTerm][iTargetCol] return result def __imatmul__ (self, other): # True in-place multiplication not yet implemented in compiler # It currently translates m1 @= m2 to m1 = m1 @ ms and uses __matmul__ instead # This fake __imatmul__ is just for CPython , allowing back to back testing return self.__matmul__ (other) def __mul__ (self, other): if type (other) == Matrix: result = Matrix (self.nRows, self.nCols) for iRow in range (self.nRows): for iCol in range (self.nCols): result._ [iRow][iCol] = self._ [iRow][iCol] * other._ [iRow][iCol] return result else: # other is a scalar return self.__rmul__ (other) def __rmul__ (self, scalar): # Only called if left operand is scalar, all other cases will call __mul__ result = Matrix (self.nRows, self.nCols) for iRow in range (self.nRows): for iCol in range (self.nCols): result._ [iRow][iCol] = scalar * self._ [iRow][iCol] return result def __imul__ (self, other): return self.__mul__ (other) def __add__ (self, other): result = Matrix (self.nRows, self.nCols) for iRow in range (self.nRows): for iCol in range (self.nCols): result._ [iRow][iCol] = self._ [iRow][iCol] + other._ [iRow][iCol] return result # No __iadd__, to test fallback to __add__ def __getitem__ (self, index): return self._ [index] def __setitem__ (self, index, value): self._ [index] = value def __repr__ (self): return repr (self._) def __floordiv__ (self, other): return 'Overloading __floordiv__ has no meaning for matrices' def __truediv__ (self, other): return 'Overloading __truediv__ has no meaning for matrices' class Functor: def __init__ (self, factor): self.factor = factor __pragma__ ('kwargs') def __call__ (self, x, y = -1, *args, m = -2, n, **kwargs): return ( self.factor * x, self.factor * y, [self.factor * arg for arg in args], self.factor * m, self.factor * n, # !!! [self.factor * kwargs [key] for key in sorted (kwargs.keys ())] Add supoprt for keys () on kwargs ) __pragma__ ('nokwargs') f = Functor (10) __pragma__ ('kwargs') def g (x, y = -1, *args, m = -2, n, **kwargs): return (x, y, args, m, n) # !!! , [kwargs [key] for key in sorted (kwargs.keys ())]) Add support for keys () on kwargs __pragma__ ('nokwargs') def run (autoTester): m0 = Matrix (3, 3, [ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 10] ]) m1 = Matrix (3, 3, [ [10, 20, 30], [40, 50, 60], [70, 80, 90] ]) m4 = Matrix (3, 3, [ [1, 1, 2], [2, 2, 3], [3, 3, -5] ]) m5 = Matrix (3, 3, [ [1, 1, 2], [2, 2, 3], [3, 3, -5] ]) x = 3 y = x * 4 * x fast = 2 * 3 fast += 1 __pragma__ ('opov') m1 [1][2] = m0 [1][2] slow = 2 + 3 m2 = m0 * m1 + m1 * (m0 + m1) m3 = 2 * (2 * m0 * 3 * m1 + m2 * 4) * 2 autoTester.check (m0 [1][1], m0 [1][2], m1 [1][1], m1 [1][2]) m1 += m0 m2 *= m1 m5 @= m4 m6 = m0 @ m1 autoTester.check (m0 / m1) autoTester.check (m0 // m1) __pragma__ ('noopov') fast2 = 16 * y + 1 fast *= 2 autoTester.check (m0, m1) autoTester.check (x, y) autoTester.check (m2) autoTester.check (m3) autoTester.check (m5) autoTester.check (m6) autoTester.check (fast, slow, fast2) x = 'marker' __pragma__ ('opov') autoTester.check (f (3, 4, 30, 40, m = 300, n = 400, p = 3000, q = 4000)) autoTester.check (g (3, 4, 30, 40, m = 300, n = 400, p = 3000, q = 4000)) autoTester.check (set ((1, 2, 3)) == set ((3, 2, 1))) autoTester.check (set ((1, 2, 3)) != set ((3, 2, 1))) autoTester.check (set ((1, 3)) == set ((3, 2, 1))) autoTester.check (set ((1, 3)) != set ((3, 2, 1))) autoTester.check (set ((1, 2)) < set ((3, 2, 1))) autoTester.check (set ((1, 2, 3)) <= set ((3, 2, 1))) autoTester.check (set ((1, 2, 3)) > set ((2, 1))) autoTester.check (set ((1, 2, 3)) >= set ((3, 2, 1))) autoTester.check ((1, 2, 3) == (1, 2, 3)) autoTester.check ([1, 2, 3] == [1, 2, 3]) autoTester.check ((1, 2, 3) != (1, 2, 3)) autoTester.check ([1, 2, 3] != [1, 2, 3]) autoTester.check ((2, 1, 3) == (1, 2, 3)) autoTester.check ([2, 1, 3] == [1, 2, 3]) autoTester.check ((2, 1, 3) != (1, 2, 3)) autoTester.check ([2, 1, 3] != [1, 2, 3]) __pragma__ ('noopov') class Bitwise: def __lshift__ (self, other): autoTester.check ('lshift') def __rlshift__ (self, other): autoTester.check ('rlshift') def __rshift__ (self, other): autoTester.check ('rshift') def __rrshift__ (self, other): autoTester.check ('rrshift') def __or__ (self, other): autoTester.check ('or') def __ror__ (self, other): autoTester.check ('ror') def __xor__ (self, other): autoTester.check ('xor') def __rxor__ (self, other): autoTester.check ('rxor') def __and__ (self, other): autoTester.check ('and') def __rand__ (self, other): autoTester.check ('rand') bitwise = Bitwise () __pragma__ ('opov') bitwise << [] [] << bitwise autoTester.check (32 << 2) bitwise >> [] [] >> bitwise autoTester.check (32 >> 2) bitwise | [] [] | bitwise autoTester.check (1 | 4) bitwise ^ [] [] ^ bitwise autoTester.check (11 ^ 13) bitwise & [] [] & bitwise autoTester.check (12 & 20) a = 32 a <<=2 autoTester.check (a) __pragma__ ('noopov') autoTester.check (32 << 2) autoTester.check (32 >> 2) autoTester.check (1 | 4) autoTester.check (11 ^ 13) autoTester.check (12 & 20) a = 32 a <<= 2 autoTester.check (a) class A: def __init__ (self): self.b = {} a = A () a.b ['c'] = 'd' __pragma__('opov') a.b ['c'] += 'e' __pragma__('noopov') autoTester.check (a.b ['c']) 4.40. Properties ================ Testlet: properties class A: p = 1234 def getX (self): return self._x def setX (self, value): self._x = value def getY (self): return self._y def setY (self, value): self._y = 1000 + value # Weird but should be possible def getY2 (self): return self._y def setY2 (self, value): self._y = value def getT (self): return self._t def setT (self, value): self._t = value def getU (self): return self._u + 10000 def setU (self, value): self._u = value - 5000 x, y, y2 = property (getX, setX), property (getY, setY), property (getY2, setY2) t = property (getT, setT) u = property (getU, setU) A.q = 5678 class B: def getZ (self): return self.z_ def setZ (self, value): self.z_ = value z = property (getZ, setZ) class C: def __init__ (self): self.offset = 1234 def getW (self): return self.w_ + self.offset def setW (self, value): self.w_ = value - self.offset w = property (getW, setW) def run (autoTester): a1 = A () a2 = A () a1.y2 = 1000 a2.y2 = 2000 a1.x = 5 a1.y = 6 a2.x = 7 a2.y = 8 a1.t = 77 a1.u = 88 autoTester.check (a1.x, a1.y, a1.y2) autoTester.check (a2.x, a2.y, a2.y2) autoTester.check (a1.p, a2.p, a1.q, a2.q) autoTester.check (a1.t, a1.u) b = B () c = C () b.z = 100100 c.z = 200200 c.w = 300300 autoTester.check (a1.x, b.z, c.z, c.w) c.w = 400400 c.z = 500500 b.z = 600600 autoTester.check (a1.x, b.z, c.z, c.w) 4.41. Representation as text: the repr and str built-in functions ================================================================= Testlet: reprtest def run(test): """ Test the repr and string implementations """ v = 1 test.check( repr(v) ) test.check( str(v) ) v = "asdf" test.check( repr(v) ) test.check( str(v) ) v = True test.check( repr(v) ) test.check( str(v) ) v = False test.check( repr(v) ) test.check( str(v) ) v = 1.2 test.check( repr(v) ) test.check( str(v) ) v = -31.2 test.check( repr(v) ) test.check( str(v) ) v = 63e-12 test.check( repr(v) ) test.check( str(v) ) v = 24e37 test.check( repr(v) ) test.check( str(v) ) v = -34e-23 test.check( repr(v) ) test.check( str(v) ) v = -89e32 test.check( repr(v) ) test.check( str(v) ) v = None test.check( repr(v) ) test.check( str(v) ) v = [None] test.check( repr(v) ) test.check( str(v) ) v = [None, None] test.check( repr(v) ) test.check( str(v) ) v = [None, 1.02] test.check( repr(v) ) test.check( str(v) ) v = [1,3.000234] test.check( repr(v) ) test.check( str(v) ) v = [1,2,3] test.check( repr(v) ) test.check( str(v) ) v = [1.04, 2.03, 3.005] test.check( repr(v) ) test.check( str(v) ) v = ["asdf", 2.00009, "1234"] test.check( repr(v) ) test.check( str(v) ) v = set([1,2,3]) test.check( repr(v) ) test.check( str(v) ) v = set([]) test.check( repr(v) ) test.check( str(v) ) v = (1,2) test.check( repr(v) ) test.check( str(v) ) v = (3.4, 4.4) test.check( repr(v) ) test.check( str(v) ) v = (None, 5.32) test.check( repr(v) ) test.check( str(v) ) v = {} test.check( repr(v) ) test.check( str(v) ) v = { "a": 1 } test.check( repr(v) ) test.check( str(v) ) # @note - in python the dictionary key # ordering is not specified. So the following tests # cannot be reliably completed when there are more than # one key in a dict - so this test coverage was skipped for now. d = { "asdf": 3.4 } test.check( repr( d ) ) test.check( str( d ) ) d = { "qwer": "qwerqwer qwerqwer" } test.check( repr( d ) ) test.check( str( d ) ) d = { "a9342" : None } test.check( repr( d ) ) test.check( str( d ) ) d = { "nfdns" : True } test.check( repr( d ) ) test.check( str( d ) ) d = { "alel;e;" : False } test.check( repr( d ) ) test.check( str( d ) ) d = { "didi" : [True,False,True] } test.check( repr( d ) ) test.check( str( d ) ) d = { "bibi" : [1,2,3] } test.check( repr( d ) ) test.check( str( d ) ) d = { "gigi" : ["Asdf","qwer","rewer"] } test.check( repr( d ) ) test.check( str( d ) ) d = { "hihi" : ("esdf","qwer","rewer") } test.check( repr( d ) ) test.check( str( d ) ) d = { "jiji" : [None, None, None] } test.check( repr( d ) ) test.check( str( d ) ) d = { "jiji" : (1.3, 3.4) } test.check( repr( d ) ) test.check( str( d ) ) d = { "jiji" : { "c" : 4 } } test.check( repr( d ) ) test.check( str( d ) ) class Test1(object): def __init__(self, val): self._val = val def __str__(self): return("[Test1 {}]".format(self._val)) def __repr__(self): return(str(self)) class Test2(object): def __init__(self, val): self._val = val def __repr__(self): return("[Test2 {},{}]".format(self._val, self._val*2)) def __str__(self): return( repr(self) ) class Test3(Test2): def __str__(self): return("[Test3 {}]".format(self._val)) class Test4(object): def __init__(self, val): self._val = val def __repr__(self): return("[Test4 {}]".format(self._val)) t1 = Test1(2) test.check( repr(t1) ) test.check( str(t1) ) t1 = Test1(4.5) test.check( repr(t1) ) test.check( str(t1) ) t1 = Test1("blarg") test.check( repr(t1) ) test.check( str(t1) ) t1 = Test1([1,2,3]) test.check( repr(t1) ) test.check( str(t1) ) t2 = Test2(3) test.check( repr(t2) ) test.check( str(t2) ) t2 = Test2(7.6) test.check( repr(t2) ) test.check( str(t2) ) t2 = Test2(-8.9) test.check( repr(t2) ) test.check( str(t2) ) t3 = Test3(8) test.check( repr(t3) ) test.check( str(t3) ) t3 = Test3(3.4) test.check( repr(t3) ) test.check( str(t3) ) test.check( repr( [t1,t2,3] ) ) d = { "irew" : t1 } test.check( repr( d ) ) test.check( str( d ) ) d = { "irew" : [t1,t2,t3] } test.check( repr( d ) ) test.check( str( d ) ) t4 = Test4("qwer") test.check( repr(t4) ) test.check( str(t4) ) 4.42. Set comprehensions ======================== Testlet: set_comprehensions def run (autoTester): even = {2 * i for i in [0, 9, 1, 7, 2, 8, 3, 6, 4, 5]} autoTester.check (even) odd = {2 * i + 1 for i in [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 4, 3, 1, 2, 0]} autoTester.check (odd) even.add (12) even.add (12) autoTester.check (even) even.discard (12) even.discard (12) autoTester.check (even) uni = even.union (odd) autoTester.check (uni) autoTester.check (odd.isdisjoint (even)) autoTester.check (uni.isdisjoint (even)) autoTester.check (even.issuperset (uni)) autoTester.check (uni.issuperset (even)) autoTester.check (even.issubset (uni)) autoTester.check (uni.issubset (even)) first = {4, 1, 0, 5, 3, 2, 6} autoTester.check (first) second = {3, 5, 6, 9, 4, 7, 8} autoTester.check (second) inter = first.intersection (second) autoTester.check (inter) diff = first.difference (second) autoTester.check (diff) symDiff = first.symmetric_difference (second) autoTester.check (symDiff) aSet = {200, 4, 5, 100} aSet.update (first, symDiff, second) autoTester.check (aSet) 4.43. Super =========== The *super ()* builtin function is supported for cases where there's exactly one path upwards to exactly one matching method. This covers most use cases, even in a diamond class hierarchy, and results in fast and compact code. In case of more than one path, possibly to more than one matching method, use explicit class names, as shown in the example below. Testlet: builtin_super def run (autoTester): def show (*args): autoTester.check (*args) # print (*args) # Leave in for debugging purposes class R: def __init__ (self, a, b): self.a = a self.b = b class A (R): def __init__ (self, a, b, c): super () .__init__ (a, b) self.c = c def f (self, x, y): show ('A.f:', x, y, self.a, self.b, self.c) def g (self, x, y): show ('A.g:', x, y) class B (R): def __init__ (self, a, b, d): super () .__init__ (a, b) self.d = d def f (self, x, y): show ('B.f:', x, y, self.a, self.b, self.d) def h (self, x, y): show ('A.h:', x, y, self.a, self.b, self.d) class C (A): def __init__ (self, a, b, c): super () .__init__ (a, b, c) def f (self, x, y): super () .f (x, y) show ('C.f:', x, y, self.a, self.b, self.c) class D (B): def __init__ (self, a, b, d): super () .__init__ (a, b, d) def f (self, x, y): super () .f (x, y) show ('D.f:', x, y, self.a, self.b, self.d) # Diamond inheritance, use super () only to call exactly one target method via unique path. # In case of multiple target methods or multiple paths, don't use super (), but refer to ancestor classes explicitly instead class E (C, D): def __init__ (self, a, b, c, d): R.__init__ (self, a, b) # Inherited via multiple legs of a diamond, so call explicitly self.c = c # Could also have used C.__init__, but symmetry preferred self.d = d # Don't use both C.__init__ and D.__init__, since R.__init__ will be called by both # That's harmless here, but not always def f (self, x, y): C.f (self, x, y) # Ambiguous part of diamond, don't use super () D.f (self, x, y) # Ambiguous part of diamond, don't use super () show ('E.f:', x, y, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d) def g (self, x, y): super () .g (x, y) # Unique, using super () is OK show ('E.g:', x, y, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d) def h (self, x, y): super () .h (x, y) # Unique, using super () is OK show ('E.h:', x, y, self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d) rr = R (100, 200) show ('--1--') a = A (101, 201, 301) a.f (711, 811) a.g (721, 821) show ('--2--') b = B (102, 202, 302) b.f (712, 812) b.h (732, 832) show ('--3--') c = C (103, 203, 303) c.f (713, 813) c.g (723, 823) show ('--4--') d = D (104, 204, 304) d.f (714, 814) d.h (734, 834) show ('--5--') e = E (105, 205, 305, 405) e.f (715, 815) e.g (725, 825) e.h (735, 835) 4.44. Simple and augmented assignment ===================================== Testlet: simple_and_augmented_assignment class A: def __init__ (self): self.i = 0 def f (self): return self.i a = A () def run (autoTester): x = 3 y = 5 z = x + y autoTester.check (z) l = [1, 2, 3] l [1] = l [2] autoTester.check (l) # Should generate x++ x += 1 autoTester.check (x) x += +1 autoTester.check (x) x -= -1 autoTester.check (x) # Should generate y-- y -= 1 autoTester.check (y) y -= +1 autoTester.check (y) y += -1 autoTester.check (y) x += -3 autoTester.check (x) x += 6 autoTester.check (x) y -= 3 autoTester.check (y) l [1] += l [1] autoTester.check (l) x += y y += x autoTester.check (x, y) f = a.f a.i += 1 autoTester.check (f ()) a.i += 10 autoTester.check (f ()) a.i += a.i autoTester.check (f ()) 4.45. Truthyness: optional Python-style evaluation of truthyness, falsyness and non-empty container selection ============================================================================================================= Testlet: truthyness from org.transcrypt.stubs.browser import __pragma__ __pragma__ ('tconv') def run (autoTester): autoTester.check (len ({1:2})) autoTester.check ('Select nonemtpy container, if any
') autoTester.check ((0) or (1, 2, 3)) autoTester.check (() or (1, 2, 3)) autoTester.check (() or ()) autoTester.check ((-1) or (0) or (1, 2, 3)) autoTester.check (() or (0) or (1, 2, 3)) autoTester.check (() or () or (1, 2, 3)) autoTester.check (() or () or ()) autoTester.check ([0] or [1, 2, 3]) autoTester.check ([] or [1, 2, 3]) autoTester.check ([] or []) autoTester.check ([-1] or [0] or [1, 2, 3]) autoTester.check ([] or [0] or [1, 2, 3]) autoTester.check ([] or [] or [1, 2, 3]) autoTester.check ([] or [] or []) autoTester.check ({0} or {1, 2, 3, 4}) autoTester.check (set () or {1, 2, 3, 4}) autoTester.check (set () or set ()) autoTester.check ({-1} or {0} or {1, 2, 3, 5}) autoTester.check (set () or {0} or {1, 2, 3, 6}) autoTester.check (set () or set () or {1, 2, 3, 7}) autoTester.check (set () or set () or set ()) autoTester.check ({0:10} or {1:11, 2:12, 3:13}) autoTester.check ({} or {1, 2, 3, 8}) autoTester.check ({} or {}) autoTester.check ({-1:-11} or {0:10} or {1:11, 2:12, 3:13}) autoTester.check ({} or {0:10} or {1:11, 2:12, 3:13}) autoTester.check ({} or {} or {1:11, 2:12, 3:13}) autoTester.check ({} or {} or {}) autoTester.check ('

') autoTester.check ('Boolean evaluations') for expression in ( '
-- falsy --
', (), [], set (), {}, 0, '', 3 > 5, False, '
-- truthy --
', (1, 2, 3), [1, 2, 3], {1, 2, 3}, {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}, 3, 'hello', 5 > 3, True ): if expression in ('
-- falsy --
', '
-- truthy --
'): autoTester.check (expression) else: autoTester.check (expression, ' . . . ') autoTester.check ('operators') autoTester.check (not not expression) autoTester.check (not not (True and expression)) autoTester.check (not not (False or expression)) autoTester.check (not not (expression and True)) autoTester.check (not not (expression and False)) autoTester.check ('if') if expression: autoTester.check (True) else: autoTester.check (False) if expression or expression: autoTester.check (True) else: autoTester.check (False) if False: autoTester.check ('if') elif expression: autoTester.check ('elif') else: autoTester.check ('else') autoTester.check ('while') while expression: autoTester.check (True) break autoTester.check ('condex') autoTester.check (True if expression else False) if (0.0): autoTester.check ('0.0') elif (0.1): autoTester.check ('0.1') else: autoTester.check ('Shouldn\'t be here...') class A: pass class B: def __bool__ ( self): return False class C: def __bool__ (self): return True def __len__ (self): return 0 class D: def __len__ (self): return 0 class E: def __len__ (self): return 1 autoTester.check ('instances of custom classes') autoTester.check (not not A ()) autoTester.check (not not B ()) autoTester.check (not not C ()) autoTester.check (not not D ()) autoTester.check (not not E ()) 4.46. Tuple assignment: recursive and in for-headers using enumerate ==================================================================== Testlet: tuple_assignment def run (autoTester): ((a, b), santa, [c, d], e) = ((1, 2), 'santa-claus', {3, 4}, 5) autoTester.check (a, b, c, d, e, santa) for i, x in enumerate ((0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5)): autoTester.check (i, x) e, pi = 3.14, 2.74 e, pi = pi, e autoTester.check (e, pi) def f (): return [(i, 2 * i) for i in range (7000, 10000, 1000)] def g (): return f [k, l], [m, n], (o, p) = g () () autoTester.check (k, l, m, n, o, p)